To search the directory use Ctrl + F (or on mac: Cmd + F) and type the person's first or last name.
Mehmetcan Akbulut
Associate Research Professor of Optical Sciences
Adel Al-Ghazwi
MS Student
Hamda Ali Althani
MS Student
Brian P. Anderson
Associate Dean, Graduate Academic Affairs
Professor of Optical Sciences
Samantha Andrews
MS Student
Oscar Angulo Flores
MS Student
Ben Armentrout
PhD Student
SOC Treasurer
Ian Arnold
Research Engineer, Precision Instrumentation Group
Ricardo Arreguin
MS Student
Stefan Avramov
MS Student
Clarence L. Babcock
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Rayce Bacchus
BS Student
Charles Bai
Visiting Research Scholar
Eliza Ballantyne
PhD Student
Bhaskar Banerjee
Professor of Medicine
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Professor of Optical Sciences
Alexander Barber
MS Student
H. Bradford Barber
Professor Emeritus of Medical Imaging
Research Professor of Optical Sciences
Chloe Bargfrede
BS Student
Harrison Barrett
Regents Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences and Medical Imaging
Peter H. Bartels
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Professor Emeritus of Pathology
Eli Bartlett
MS Student
Jennifer K. Barton
Professor of Optical Sciences
Director of the BIO5 Institute
Boulat Bash
Joint Assistant Professor of Optical Sciences
Assistant Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Gaston Baudat
Adjunct Research Professor of Optical Sciences
Adam Beheathland
BS Student
Roman Bell
BS Student
Joseph Bishop
BS Student
Derrick Bittner
MS Student
Nicolaas Bloembergen
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Mackenze Bowles
MS Student
Rebecca Boyle
MS Student
Harrison Bradley
PhD Student
David Brady
J.W. and H.M. Goodman Endowed Chair in Optical Sciences
Professor of Optical Sciences
James B. Breckinridge
Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences
Jerome Brone
PhD Student
Madellyn Brown
M.S. Student
Joseph Brownstone
Graduate Certificate in Optical Sciences
Brenna Buckley
BS Student
Jack Buckwalter
BS Student
Melinda Bunyard
MS Student
Jim H. Burge
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
James J. Burke
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Austin Burrington
PhD Student
Beau Carter
BS Student
Calliope Casey
BS Student
Mariana Castro
BS Student
Sofia Centeno
BS Student
Brandon Chalifoux
Assistant Professor of Optical Sciences
Assistant Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Shaurya Chauhan
BS Student
Zhaowei Chen
PhD Student
Daniel Chertkov
BS Student
Russell A. Chipman
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Jiwon Choi
Ph.D. Student
Katherine Creath
Adjunct Research Professor of Optical Sciences
Devon Crowe
Adjunct Research Professor of Optical Sciences
Blake Crowther
Adjunct Assistant Research Scientist of Optical Sciences
Chen Liang
Adjunct Associate Research Professor of Optical Sciences
William J. Dallas
Professor Emeritus of Medical Imaging
Professor of Optical Sciences
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hope Dannar
PhD Student
Kyle Daub
M.S. Student
Tyler Davidson
BS Student
Kurt R. Denninghoff
Professor of Emergency Medicine
Professor of Optical Sciences
Eustace L. Dereniak
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Julie Des Jardins
Director, Diversity and Culture of Inclusion
NSF-ERC Center for Quantum Networks
Prajit Dhara
PhD Student
Kishan Dholakia
Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences
Diego Di Vanni
BS Student
Ivan Djordjevic
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor of Optical Sciences
Colby Donner
BS Student
Viktor Dubrovin
Assistant Research Scientist of Optical Sciences
AJ Eichenberg
BS Student
Matthew Eichenfield
SPIE Endowed Chair in Optical Sciences
Associate Professor of Optical Sciences
Mohamed ElKabbash
Assistant Professor of Optical Sciences
Alan Evans
Adjunct Research Professor of Optical Sciences
Ramses Miranda Espino
MS Student
Yeshaiahu Fainman
Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences
Erfan Motafakker Fard
Adjunct Research Scientist
Eric Carl Fest
Adjunct Associate Professor of Optical Sciences
Donis Flagello
Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences
Nolan Fleener
BS Student
Daniel Foshee
MS Student
Warren Foster
MS Student
Peter Franken
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Professor Emeritus of Physics
Former Director of the Optical Sciences Center
Lars R. Furenlid
Harrison H. and Catherine C. Barrett Endowed Chair in Optical Sciences for Cancer Imaging
Professor of Optical Sciences
Christos Gagatsos
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Jaz Gamez
BS Student
Jack D. Gaskill
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Jennifer Gavin
M.S. Student
Bradley Gerner
Graduate Certificate in Optical Sciences
Hyatt M. Gibbs
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Roy J. Glauber
Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences
Arthur Gmitro
Head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering
Professor of Optical Sciences
Tony Gnanaprakasa
Graduate Certificate in Optical Sciences
Grace Godinez
BS Student
Nathan Gottesman
PhD Student
Shirley Govea Bravo
MS Student
Maddox Green
BS Student
John E. Greivenkamp
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Sarah Gross
MS Student
Stephen Grulke
Graduate Certificate in Optical Sciences
Jiahui Gu
PhD Student
Hunter Guan
BS Student
Shuyuan Guan
PhD Student
Brian Gunther
MS Student
Olivier Guyon
Astronomer, Steward Observatory
Professor of Optical Sciences
Felipe Guzman
Jack Lee Jewell Endowed Chair in Optical Sciences
Professor of Optical Sciences
Jason Hackbarth
Graduate Certificate in Optical Sciences
Edward Hajkowski
MS Student
Ryan Hamilton
PhD Student
Acacia Han
BS Student
Prism Week Chair
Aoxue Han
PhD Student
Sen Han
Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences
Grant Hanssen
BS Student
Ryan Hashi
Graduate Certificate in Optical Sciences
Victor Hasson
Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences
Cat Hathaway
MS Student
Treasurer, SOC
Treasurer, OFA
Raymond Hawkins
Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences
John B. Hayes
Adjunct Research Professor of Optical Sciences
Kavan Hazeli
Associate Professor of Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering
Alexander Hedglen
PhD Student
Jonathan Heinz
PhD Student
Amy Hermann
PhD Student
Jose Hernandez
BS Student
Mitchell Hernandez
MS Student
Jose David Hernandez Rivero
Postdoctoral Research Associate III
Jake Herrera
BS Student
Sofia Hillman
PhD Student
Roland Himmelhuber
Research Scientist
Manager, Nanofabrication Facility
Lumi Hissataka
BS Student
Kiyan Hocek
PhD Student
Jack Hollingsworth
M.S. Student
Fred F. Hopf
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Susan Houde-Walter
Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences
Tsung Han Hsieh
MS Student
Hong Hua
Jean M. Bennett Optica Endowed Chair in Optical Sciences
Professor of Optical Sciences
Evan Hughes
BS Student
Daniel Ish
Graduate Certificate in Optical Sciences
Md Arefin Islam
MS Student
S M Rezwanul Islam
MS Student
Nadav Ivzan
Graduate Certificate in Optical Sciences
Mohsen Izadyari
Postdoctoral Research Associate I
Kenneth A. Jackson
Professor Emeritus of Materials Science and Engineering
Stephen F. Jacobs
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Eliana Jacobson
PhD Student
Per Jakobsen
Visiting Research Scholar
Peter A. Jansson
Adjunct Research Professor of Optical Sciences
Poul Jessen
Chair of Quantum Information and Control
Professor of Optical Sciences
Shibin Jiang
Adjunct Research Professor of Optical Sciences
Adam Jones
BS Student
Andy Jones
BS Student
R. Jason Jones
John Paul Schaefer Endowed Chair in Optical Sciences
Professor of Optical Sciences
Ryan Jones
BS Student
Richard Juergens
Adjunct Fellow of Optical Design
Grant Juul
M.S. Student
Dongkyun "DK" Kang
Associate Professor of Optical Sciences and Biomedical Engineering
Cory Kaspar
BS Student
Ishwar Kaushik
MS Student
Janos Keresztes
MS Student
Galina Khitrova
Professor of Optical Sciences
Randal Kinder
Graduate Certificate in Optical Sciences
Jon King
PhD Student
Jeffrey Kingsley
Director of Projects, Engineering and Technical Services
Stephan Koch
Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences
Thomas Koch
Dean of the Wyant College of Optical Sciences
Professor of Optical Sciences
Kayma Konecny
BS Student
R. John Koshel
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs
Professor of Practice
Nick Kotas
BS Student
Leonid Vasilyevich Kotov
Adjunct Research Professor of Optical Sciences
William Kuhn
Adjunct Associate Professor of Optical Sciences
Willis Lamb Jr.
Regents Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Regents Professor Emeritus of Physics
Sean Lane
Visiting Research Scholar
Bernard Lee
MS Student
Chris Lee
BS Student
Jack Lee
BS Student
Jason Lee
MS Student
Michael Lee
BS Student
Brandon Leonardo
BS Student
Michael Lesser
Senior Research Scientist at the Steward Observatory
Research Professor of Optical Sciences
Director of the University of Arizona Imaging Technology Laboratory
Rongguang Liang
Thomas R. Brown Endowed Chair in Optical Sciences
Professor of Optical Sciences
Denly Lindeman
BS Student
Jenna Little
BS Student
SOC Social Chair
Rylie Lodes
Graduate Certificate in Optical Sciences
Matthew Los
MS Student
Avion Lowery
PhD Student
Pierre Lucas
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Professor of Optical Sciences
Ethan Luker
BS Student
Paul Lundquist
Adjunct Research Professor of Optical Sciences
Richard Macias
MS Student
Tyler Mackenzie
BS Student
H. Angus Macleod
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Virendra Mahajan
Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences
Adoum Hassan Mahamat
Adjunct Associate Research Professor of Optical Sciences
Arpita Manoj
BS Student
Masud Mansuripur
Chair of Optical Data Storage
Professor of Optical Sciences
Arvind Marathay
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Michael Marcellin
Regents' Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Regents' Professor of Optical Sciences
Hubert (Buddy) Martin
Project Scientist at the Steward Observatory
Associate Research Professor of Optical Sciences
Matthew Edward Mavko
R&D Engineer / Scientist-Remote Sensing, Optical Sciences
Jeffrey May
MS Student
Sumit Mazumdar
Head of the Department of Physics
Professor of Physics
Professor of Optical Sciences
Terry McDaniel
Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences
Brandon McKaig
MS Student
William Medlin
MS Student
Moritz Mehmet
Associate Research Professor of Optical Sciences
Aden Meinel
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Founding Director of the Optical Sciences Center
John Mester
Associate Vice President for Research
Professor of Optical Sciences
Pierre Meystre
Regents Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences
Andrew Mickey
BS Student
Alexandria Miera
PhD Student
Joseph Miller
Professor of Ophthalmology
Professor of Optical Sciences
Professor of Public Health
Ramses Miranda Espino
MS Student
Eric Mitchell
PhD Student
Fatemesadat Mohammadi
Graduate Certificate in Optical Sciences
Brianna Moreno
Senior Coordinator
NSF-ERC Center for Quantum Networks
Kyle Morman
MS Student
Justin Murante
PhD Student
SOC Academic Chair
James Thomas Murray
Adjunct Associate Research Professor of Optical Sciences
Kyle Myers
Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences
Patrick Nagle
BS Student
SOC Academic Chair
Dharaninath Nakka
Graduate Certificate in Optical Sciences
Lucy Nash
BS Student
Mark Neifeld
Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor of Optical Sciences
Cody Nelson
MS Student
Phi Hung Nguyen
PhD Student
Tin Nguyen
Graduate Certificate in Optical Sciences
Pierre Nicolas
PhD Student
Jannatul Nijhum
MS Student
Robert Noble
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Michael Nofziger
Professor of Practice
Outreach Coordinator
James O'Connell
MS Student
Seungjun Oh
BS Student
Artur Olszak
Adjunct Associate Professor of Optical Sciences
Leo Orsini
MS Student
James Palmer
Research Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Tara Patel
BS Student
Stanley Pau
Professor of Optical Sciences
Enrique Pena
MS Student
Richard Peng
BS Student
Andre Persoons
Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences
Todd Peterson
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Optical Sciences
Anthony Phillips
MS Student
Diego Pimienta
BS Student
Alisha Pokharel
BS Student
Kelly Simmons Potter
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor of Optical Sciences
Barrett Potter Jr.
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Professor of Optical Sciences
Harsha Pradeep
PhD Student
Dymetris Ramirez
MS Student
Luis Reyna de la Torre
Graduate Certificate in Optical Sciences
Arthur Riegel Jr.
Associate Professor of Pharmacology
Associate Professor of Neuroscience
Joint Professor of Optical Sciences
Hans Roehrig
Research Professor Emeritus of Radiology
Research Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Wei Rong
MS Student
Joanna Rosenbluth
PhD Student
Andrew Rouse
Assistant Research Professor of Medical Imaging
Assistant Research Professor of Optical Sciences
Isabel Roveda
BS Student
Kaye Rowan
Executive Director of Development (retired)
Supriya Roy
BS Student
Jordan Rubis
PhD Student
Scott Saavedra
Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Professor at the BIO5 Institute
Professor of Optical Sciences
Kasturi Saha
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Optical Sciences
Babak Saif
Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences
Eli Salz
BS Student
Ryan Santos
BS Student
Dror Sarid
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Ali Sarraf
Graduate Certificate in Optical Sciences
Ricky Saxena
BS Student
Robert Schowengerdt
Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Axel Schulzgen
Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences
Stefan Schumacher
Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences
Jim Schwiegerling
Robert R. Shannon Endowed Chair in Optical Sciences
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Marlan Scully
Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences
Jake Sekosky
BS Student
Jeffrey Seligman
Visiting Research Scholar
Lukas Senczyszyn
MS Student
Bernhard Seraphin
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Supapan Seraphin
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Professor of Optical Sciences
Professor of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Roland Shack
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Shohreh Shadalou
Graduate Certificate in Optical Sciences
Farhang Shadman
Regents' Professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Regents' Professor of Optical Sciences
Director of the Semiconductor Research Corporation Engineering Research Center for Environmentally Benign Semiconductor Manufacturing
Jonathon Shank
MS Student
Robert Shannon
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Former Director of the Optical Sciences Center
Diego Sharrar
BS Student
Annie Shepard
BS Student
Wei Shi
Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences
Rajesh Shrestha
M.S. Student
Keaton Shurilla
PhD Student
John Simpson
Adjunct Research Professor of Optical Sciences
Glenn Sincerbox
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Rylie Sisterson
BS Student
Philip Slater
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Clayton Smith
MS Student
Gregory Smith
Associate Research Professor of Optical Sciences
Joshua Smith
Graduate Certificate in Optical Sciences
Robert Smith
MS Student
PhD Student
Amber Soergel
Senior Academic Advisor I
Undergraduate Advisor
Linden Solgonick
BS Student
Aviana Sorich
BS Student
Armin Sorooshian
Joint Professor of Optical Sciences
Professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Professor of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Professor of Public Health
Ellie Spitzer
PhD Student
Orestes Stavroudis
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Wolfgang Stolz
Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences
Matias Straub Martinez
BS Student
Robin Strickland
Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Asher Studt
MS Student
Loudenridge Sundling
BS Student
SOC Outreach Chair
Mushkan Sureka
PhD Student
Dillan Synan
BS Student
Nathan Tankesly
BS Student
Gregory Taylor
MS Student
Joshua Teague
PhD Student
Sutton Thomas
BS Student
Tomasz Tkaczyk
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Optical Sciences
Peter Todd
BS Student
Ethan Tovar
BS Student
Ryan Trinh
BS Student
Stavrini Tsangari
M.S. Student
Cole Tsingine
BS Student
SOC Laser Fun Day Chair
Ashley Tucker
MS Student
Arthur Francis Turner
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
J. Scott Tyo
Adjunct Professor of Optical Sciences
Donald Uhlmann
Professor of Optical Sciences
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Urs Utzinger
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Associate Professor of Optical Sciences
Carol Van Hoesen
Program Coordinator/Specialist of the Optical Fabrication and Engineering Facility
Siddharth Vats
MS Student
Christopher Vincent
MS Student
Koen Visscher
Associate Professor of Physics
Associate Professor of Optical Sciences
Julian Vock
BS Student
Myrin Vollkommer
BS Student
Daniel Vukobratovich
Adjunct Research Professor of Optical Sciences
Jonathon Wade
MS Student
PhD Student
Christopher Walker
Professor of Optical Sciences
Professor of Astronomy
Justin Walker
Associate Dean for Business Development and Administration
Jiazhang Wang
Visiting Research Scholar
Seth Weaver
BS Student
Dimuthu Weerawardene
Research Technologist, Optical Sciences
William Wing
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Professor Emeritus of Physics
Sam Winward
Graduate Certificate in Optical Sciences
Russell Witte
Associate Professor of Medical Imaging
Professor of Optical Sciences
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Joanna Wojciak
Adjunct Associate Professor of Optical Sciences
Lily Wood
BS Student
James Wyant
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences
Founding Dean of the College of Optical Sciences
Sedona Zeller
BS Student
Aileen Zhang
PhD Student
Li Zhang
MS Student
Bill Zhao
BS Student
Chunyu Zhao
Adjunct Associate Professor of Optical Sciences
Pixuan (Joe) Zhou
Adjunct Research Professor of Optical Sciences
Andrei Zhukov
PhD Student
Richard Ziolkowski
Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering