
Please see the the UA course catalog for the official details regarding all course offerings. To view a course syllabus click on the course number. View individual course descriptions as they appear on UAccess here and use Ctrl + F on the website page to search for a specific course. 

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Spring and Fall Courses

Course Number (click for syllabus pdf)Title (linked to course site)Instructor(s)Course Type(s)Course HrsSemester Offered
OPTI 100HWhat is Light?R. John KoshelUndergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 200Light, Color and VisionMichael NofzigerUndergraduate Course 3Fall, Spring
OPTI 201LGeometrical and Instrumental Optics LaboratoryMichael NofzigerUndergraduate Course 1Fall
OPTI 201RGeometrical and Instrumental OpticsTravis SawyerUndergraduate Course 4Fall
OPTI 202LGeometrical and Instrumental Optics II LaboratoryMichael NofzigerUndergraduate Course 1Spring
OPTI 202RGeometrical and Instrumental Optics IITravis SawyerUndergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 205Optics of Photography and VideographyLars R. FurenlidUndergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 210Physical OpticsDalziel WilsonUndergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 280Computer Programming WorkshopStanley PauUndergraduate Course 1Spring
OPTI 306Radiometry, Sources, and DetectorsR. John KoshelUndergraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 330Physical Optics IIEuan McLeodUndergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 340Optical DesignYuzuru TakashimaUndergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 340AIntroduction to Optical DesignYuzuru TakashimaUndergraduate CourseFall
OPTI 341Semiconductor Physics and LasersMahmoud FallahiUndergraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 345Quantum Mechanics and Optical PhysicsEwan M. WrightUndergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 370Lasers and PhotonicsRolf BinderUndergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 380AIntermediate Optics LaboratoryTom D. MilsterUndergraduate Course 1Fall
OPTI 380BIntermediate Optics Laboratory IIMichael NofzigerUndergraduate Course 1Spring
OPTI 403A/503AMathematical Methods for Optics and PhotonicsMasud MansuripurGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 404/504Optical Spectroscopy of MaterialsBarrett G. Potter Jr.Graduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 414A/514APhotovoltaic Solar Energy SystemsRaymond K. KostukGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 415Optical Specifications, Fabrication and TestingJosé SasiánUndergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 416/516Modern Astronomical OpticsOlivier Guyon, Josh EisnerGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 420/520BiophotonicsTsu-Te Judith SuGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 421/521Introductory Optomechanical EngineeringBrandon ChalifouxGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 421L/521LIntroductory Optomechanical Engineering LabBrandon ChalifouxGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course1Fall
OPTI 423/523Optomechanical Design and AnalysisBrandon ChalifouxGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 424A/524AOptical Systems EngineeringMatthew DubinGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 4Spring
OPTI 425/525Sol-Gel ScienceTBDGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 430/530Optical Communication SystemsKhanh KieuGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 434Electrical and Optical Properties of MaterialsKelly Simmons PotterUndergraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 435/535Visual OpticsTBDGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 439A/539AFrom Photonics Innovation to the MarketplaceRobert A. NorwoodGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 468/568Introduction to Optical SpectroscopyLeilei PengGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 469L/569LSystem Programming for EngineersLeilei PengGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 2Fall
OPTI 471AAdvanced Optics LaboratoryMohamed ElkabbashUndergraduate Course 2Fall
OPTI 471BAdvanced Optics Laboratory IIHong HuaUndergraduate Course 2Spring
OPTI 481A/581AInnovation, Translation and Entrepreneurship Graduate Course, Undergraduate Course 2Fall, Spring
OPTI 484/584Polarized Light and PolarimetryMeredith KupinskiGraduate Course, Undergraduate CourseSpring
OPTI 485/585Illumination EngineeringR. John KoshelGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 489/589Optics OutreachR. John KoshelGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 1Spring
OPTI 495B/595BInformation in a PhotonTiju Cherian JohnGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 497B/597BTechnical Writing and CommunicationsTsu-Te Judith SuGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course3Fall
OPTI 501Electromagnetic WavesMasud MansuripurGraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 502Optical Design and Instrumentation IFelipe GuzmanGraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 502LFundamentals of Applied Optics LaboratoryDaewook KimGraduate Course 1Fall
OPTI 503Optical Design and Instrumentation IIRongguang LiangGraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 503A/403AMathematical Methods for Optics and PhotonicsMasud MansuripurGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 504/404Optical Spectroscopy of MaterialsBarrett G. Potter Jr.Graduate Course, Undergraduate CourseSpring
OPTI 505LFundamentals of Physical Optics LaboratoryTom D. MilsterGraduate CourseSpring
OPTI 505RDiffraction and InterferometryTom D. MilsterGraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 506Radiometry, Sources and Detectors (graduate)Ronald DriggersGraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 507Solid-State OpticsRolf BinderGraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 508Probability and Statistics in OpticsMatthew A. KupinskiGraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 509Statistical OpticsAmit AshokGraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 510RPhotonicsDaniel SohGraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 511LLasers and Solid-State Devices LaboratoryKyle SeylerGraduate CourseFall
OPTI 511ROptical Physics and LasersR. Jason JonesGraduate CourseSpring
OPTI 512LMathematical Optics LaboratoryMatthew KupinskiGraduate Course 1Fall
OPTI 512RLinear Systems, Fourier TransformsMeredith KupinskiGraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 513LOptical Testing LaboratoryDaewook Kim, Heejoo ChoiGraduate Course 1Spring
OPTI 513ROptical TestingDaewook KimGraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 514A/414APhotovoltaic Solar Energy SystemsRaymond KostukGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 516/416Modern Astronomical OpticsOlivier Guyon, Josh EisnerGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 517Lens DesignJosé SasiánGraduate CourseFall
OPTI 518Introduction to AberrationsJosé SasiánGraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 520/420BiophotonicsTsu-Te Judith SuGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 521/421Introductory Optomechanical EngineeringBrandon ChalifouxGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 421L/521LIntroductory Optomechanical Engineering LabBrandon ChalifouxGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course1Fall
OPTI 522Drug / Contrast Agent Discovery, Imaging Modalities and Kinetic Analysis

Russell S. Witte 

Lars R. Furenlid

Graduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 523/423Optomechanical Design and AnalysisBrandon ChalifouxGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 524A/424AOptical Systems EngineeringMatthew DubinGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 4Spring
OPTI 525/425Sol-Gel Science Graduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 527Holography and Diffractive OpticsYuzuru TakashimaGraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 530/430Optical Communication SystemsKhanh KieuGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 532Digital Image Analysis Graduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 534Advanced Topics in Electronic MaterialsKelly Simmons PotterGraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 535/435Visual OpticsTBDGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 536Introduction to Image ScienceFlorian WillomitzerGraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 537Imaging Physics and DevicesLars FurenlidGraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 539A/439AFrom Photonics Innovation to the MarketplaceRobert NorwoodGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 541ABCLaser Physics; (A)Intro to Laser Physics; (B) Laser Systems & Applications; (C) Ultrafast OpticsR. Jason JonesGraduate Course 1 (each)Fall
OPTI 544Foundations of Quantum OpticsPoul JessenGraduate CourseSpring
OPTI 547The Beam Propagation MethodMiroslav KolesikGraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 549Atom OpticsBrian Anderson, Cristian PandaGraduate Course 2Spring
OPTI 551Computational Optics: Nonlinear Light-Matter InteractionsMiroslav KolesikGraduate Course1Spring
OPTI 553Nonlinear PhotonicsRobert NorwoodGraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 556AComputational ImagingDavid BradyGraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 556BComputational PhotographyDavid BradyGraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 557Laser Engineering and ApplicationsPavel PolynkinGraduate Course 2Spring
OPTI 560Quantum NanophotonicsMohamed ElkabbashGraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 561Physics of SemiconductorsRolf BinderGraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 567NanophotonicsEuan McLeodGraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 568/468Introduction to Optical SpectroscopyLeilei PengGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 569L/469LSystem Programming for EngineersLeilei PengGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 2Fall
OPTI 570Quantum MechanicsCris PandaGraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 571LOptical Physics Computational LaboratoryEwan WrightGraduate Course 1Fall
OPTI 572Quantum Photonic Integrated Circuits Matt EichenfieldGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 575Thin Film Optics and PhotonicsRobert NorwoodGraduate Course3Fall
OPTI 581A/481AInnovation, Translation and Entrepreneurship Graduate Course, Undergraduate Course 2Fall, Spring
OPTI 584/484Polarized Light and PolarimetryMeredith KupinskiGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 585/485Illumination EngineeringR. John KoshelGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 586Polarization in Optical DesignMeredith KupinskiGraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 586LPolarization in Optical Design LaboratoryGregory SmithGraduate Course 1Spring
OPTI 587LPhotonic Communications LaboratoryKhanh KieuGraduate Course 1Spring
OPTI 588Introduction to Display Science and TechnologyHong HuaGraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 589/489Optics OutreachR. John KoshelGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 1Spring
OPTI 590Remote Sensing for the Study of Planet Earth Graduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 595ACurrent Subjects in OpticsFlorian WillomitzerGraduate Course 1Fall, Spring
OPTI 595B/495BInformation in a PhotonTBDGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 596-002Special Topics- Computational Imaging and Machine Vision SeminarFlorian WillomitzerGraduate Course3Fall
OPTI 596-003Special Topics - Computational PhotographyDavid BradyGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 596-004Special Topics -Advanced Quantum OpticsKanu SinhaGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 596-006Special Topics - Elements of Nonlinear Optics Ewan WrightGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 597AOptical Shop PracticesJosé SasiánGraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 597BTechnical Writing and CommunicationTsu-Te Judith SuGraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 600GOPTI 600G: Laser Beams and ResonatorsDalziel WilsonGraduate Course 1Fall
OPTI 600KCavity Optomechanics IDalziel WilsonGraduate Course 1Fall
OPTI 600LCavity Optomechanics IIDalziel WilsonGraduate Course 1Fall
OPTI 604Advanced Mathematical Methods for Optics Graduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 613Introducation to Infrared SystemsRonald DriggersGraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 617Practical Optical System DesignJosé SasiánGraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 630Biomedical Optics and BiophotonicsDongkyun "DK" KangGraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 636Noise in Imaging SystemsMatthew KupinskiGraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 638Advanced Medical ImagingRussell S. Witte, Beth Hutchinson, Srini Vedantham, Lars FurenlidGraduate Course 3Spring
OPTI 646Introduction to Quantum Information and ComputationPoul JessenGraduate Course 3Fall
OPTI 647APhotonic Gaussian InformationDaniel SohGraduate Course3Fall
OPTI 647BPhotonic Quantum Information ProcessingDaniel SohGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 677Microfabrication in OptoelectronicsMahmoud FallahiGraduate Course 2Spring
OPTI 696AAdvanced Lens DesignJosé SasiánGraduate Course 2Fall
OPTI 689Optics Instruction and MentoringR. John KoshelGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 792Directed Introductory Graduate ResearchVariousGraduate Course variesFall, Spring

Distance Courses

Course NumberTitleInstructor(s)Course TypeCourse HrsSemester(s) Offered
OPTI 500APhotonic Communications Engineering I A Graduate Course1Not Currently Offered
OPTI 500BPhotonic Communications Engineering I B Graduate Course1Not Currently Offered
OPTI 500DPhotonic Communications Engineering II DStaffGraduate Course1Not Currently Offered
OPTI 500EPhotonic Communications Engineering II EStaffGraduate Course1Not Currently Offered
OPTI 500FPhotonic Communications Engineering II FStaffGraduate Course1Not Currently Offered
OPTI 501Electromagnetic WavesMasud MansuripurGraduate Course3Fall
OPTI 502Optical Design and Instrumentation IFelipe GuzmanGraduate Course3Fall
OPTI 503Optical Design and Instrumentation IIRongguang LiangGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 503A/403AMathematical Methods for Optics and PhotonicsMasud MansuripurGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 503BSoftware Tools for PhotonicsStaffGraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 505RDiffraction and InterferometryTom D. MilsterGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 506Radiometry, Sources and Detectors (graduate)Ronald DriggersGraduate Course3Fall
OPTI 507Solid-State OpticsRolf BinderGraduate Course3Fall
OPTI 508Probability and Statistics in OpticsMatthew A. KupinskiGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 509Statistical OpticsAmit AshokGraduate Course3Not Currently Offered
OPTI 510RPhotonicsDaniel SohGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 511ROptical Physics and LasersR. Jason JonesGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 512LMathematical Optics LaboratoryMatthew A. KupinskiGraduate Course1Fall
OPTI 512RLinear Systems, Fourier TransformsMeredith KupinskiGraduate Course3Fall
OPTI 513ROptical TestingDaewook KimGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 514A/414APhotovoltaic Solar Energy SystemsRaymond K. KostukGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course Spring
OPTI 516/416Modern Astronomical Optics

Olivier Guyon

Joshua Eisner

Graduate Course, Undergraduate Course3 
OPTI 517Lens DesignJosé SasiánGraduate Course4Fall
OPTI 518Introduction to AberrationsJosé SasiánGraduate Course Spring
OPTI 521/421Introductory Optomechanical EngineeringBrandon ChalifouxGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course3Fall
OPTI 523/423Optomechanical Design and AnalysisBrandon ChalifouxGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 526Optical Design in Multiscale Photonic SystemYuzuru TakashimaGraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 527Holography and Diffractive OpticsYuzuru TakashimaGraduate Course3Fall
OPTI 528/428Adaptive Optics & Imaging through Random MediaTBDGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course3Not Currently Offered
OPTI 529/429Integrated Optics for Information TechnologyMahmoud FallahiGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course3Not Currently Offered
OPTI 530/430Optical Communication SystemsKhanh KieuGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course3Fall
OPTI 535/435Visual OpticsTBDGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course3Fall
OPTI 536Introduction to Image ScienceFlorian WillomitzerGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 537Imaging Physics and DevicesLars R. FurenlidGraduate Course3Fall
OPTI 539A/439AFrom Photonics Innovation to the MarketplaceRobert A. NorwoodGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 541ABCLaser Physics; (A) Intro to Laser Physics; (B) Laser systems & Applications; (C) Ultrafast OpticsR. Jason JonesGraduate Course1 (each)Fall
OPTI 544Foundations of Quantum OpticsPoul JessenGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 553Nonlinear PhotonicsRobert A. NorwoodGraduate Course3Fall
OPTI 556AComputational ImagingDavid BradyGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 556BComputational PhotographyDavid BradyGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 560Quantum NanophotonicsMohamed ElkabbashGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 567NanophotonicsEuan McLeodGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 569L/469LSystem Programming for EngineersLeilei PengGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course2Fall
OPTI 570Quantum MechanicsCris PandaGraduate Course3Fall
OPTI 572Quantum Photonic Integrated CircuitsMatt EichenfieldGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 575Thin Film Optics and PhotonicsRobert NorwoodGraduate Course3Fall
OPTI 584/484Polarized Light and PolarimetryMeredith KupinskiGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 585/485Illumination EngineeringR. John KoshelGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 586Polarization in Optical DesignMeredith KupinskiGraduate Course3Fall
OPTI 586LPolarization in Optical Design LaboratoryGregory SmithGraduate Course1Fall
OPTI 588Introduction to Display Science and TechnologyHong HuaGraduate Course3Fall
OPTI 595ACurrent Subjects in OpticsFlorian WillomitzerGraduate Course1Fall, Spring
OPTI 595B/495BInformation in a PhotonTBDGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 596Computational Imaging and Machine Vision SeminarFlorian WillowmitzerGraduate Course3Fall
OPTI 596-003Special Topics - Computational PhotographyDavid BradyGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 596CAberrated Imaging and PropagationVirendra MahajanGraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 597B/497BTechnical Writing and CommunicationTsu-Te Judith SuGraduate Course, Undergraduate3Fall
OPTI 600APhotonics in Lens DesignYuzuru TakashimaGraduate Course1Not Currently Offered
OPTI 600BLinear Algebra for Optics Graduate Course1Not Currently Offered
OPTI 600CComputational PhotographyDavid BradyGraduate Course1Spring
OPTI 600DDiffractive Optical Elements: Theory and DesignTom D. MilsterGraduate Course1Spring
OPTI 600EDiffractive Optical Elements: Fabrication and TestingTom D. MilsterGraduate Course1Spring
OPTI 600FSpatial Frequency Analysis of Optical SystemsTom D. MilsterGraduate Course1Not Currently Offered
OPTI 613Introducation to Infrared SystemsRonald DriggersGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 617Practical Optical System DesignJosé SasiánGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 632Advanced Optical Communications Systems



Graduate Course3Not Currently Offered
OPTI 636Noise in Imaging SystemsMatthew A. KupinskiGraduate Course3Fall
OPTI 646Intro. Quantum Information and ComputationPoul JessenGraduate CourseFall
OPTI 647BPhotonic Quantum Information ProcessingDaniel SohGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 671Advanced Optical NetworksStaffGraduate Course3Not Currently Offered
OPTI 677Microfabrication in OptoelectronicsMahmoud FallahiGraduate Course3Spring
OPTI 696AAdvanced Lens DesignJosé SasiánGraduate Course2Fall

Courses Not Currently Offered

Course NumberTitleInstructor(s)Course Type(s)Course HrsSemester Offered
OPTI 300Practical OpticsEustace L. DereniakUndergraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 396HHonors Special Topics Seminar Undergraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 415L/515LOptical Specifications, Fabrication and Testing Laboratory Graduate Course, Undergraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 423L/523LOptomechanical Engineering LaboratoryJim H. BurgeGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 428/528Adaptive Optics & Imaging through Random Media Graduate Course, Undergraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 429/529Integrated Optics for Information TechnologyMahmoud FallahiGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 447Optical PhysicsMiroslav KolesikUndergraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 500APhotonic Communications Engineering I ALinran FanGraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 500BPhotonic Communications Engineering I BLinran FanGraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 500CPhotonic Communications Engineering I CLinran FanGraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 500DPhotonic Communications Engineering II D Graduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 500EPhotonic Communications Engineering II E Graduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 500FPhotonic Communications Engineering II F Graduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 503BSoftware Tools for Photonics Graduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 514Optical InstrumentationRongguang LiangGraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 515L/415LOptical Specifications, Fabrication and Testing Laboratory Graduate Course, Undergraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 521L/421LIntroductory Optomechanical Engineering Laboratory Graduate Course, Undergraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 523L/423LOptomechanical Engineering Laboratory Graduate Course, Undergraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 526Optical Design in Multiscale Photonic SystemYuzuru TakashimaGraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 528/428Adaptive Optics & Imaging through Random Media Graduate Course, Undergraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 529/429Integrated Optics for Information TechnologyMahmoud FallahiGraduate Course, Undergraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 533Digital Image Processing Graduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 540Medical Physics Graduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 550Quantized Matter WavesEwan M. WrightGraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 573Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy for Experimentalists I Graduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 574Augmented Reality Display Waveguide Design Graduate Course3Not Currently Offered
OPTI 575/475Optical Thin Films Graduate Course, Undergraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 576Thin Film Optics Graduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 578Laser Spectroscopy and Atomic Structure Graduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 583Computational OpticsMiroslav KolesikGraduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 589A/489AOptics Outreach: Pass/Fail Graduate Course, Undergraduate Course1Not Currently Offered
OPTI 596CAberrated Imaging and PropagationVirendra MahajanGraduate Course1Not Currently Offered
OPTI 600APhotonics in Lens DesignYuzuru TakashimaGraduate Course1Not Currently Offered
OPTI 600BLinear Algebra for OpticsJim SchwiegerlingGraduate Course1Not Currently Offered
OPTI 600DDiffractive Optical Elements - Theory and Design Tom. D. MilsterGraduate Course1Not Currently Offered
OPTI 600EDiffractive Optical Elements - Fabrication and Testing Tom. D. MilsterGraduate Course1Not Currently Offered
OPTI 600FSpatial Frequency Analysis of Optical SystemsTom D. MilsterGraduate Course1Not Currently Offered
OPTI 632Advanced Optical Communications Systems

Milorad Cvijetic

Ivan B. Djordjevic

Graduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 634Computational Sensing: Spectroscopy Graduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 637Principles of Image Sciences Graduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 647Photonic Quantum Information Processing Graduate Course3Not Currently Offered
OPTI 639Image Science for OncologyHarrison H. BarrettGraduate Course1Not Currently Offered
OPTI 656AAtmospheric Radiation and Remote Sensing A Graduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 656BAtmospheric Radiation and Remote Sensing B Graduate Course Not Currently Offered
OPTI 671Advanced Optical Networks Graduate Course3Not Currently Offered
OPTI 696DPractical Optics Seminar: Engineering Optical SystemsMatthew DubinGraduate Course Not Currently Offered