Thomas Koch
Dean of the Wyant College of Optical Sciences
Professor of Optical Sciences

Wyant College of Optical Sciences
The University of Arizona
1630 E. University Blvd.
P.O. Box 210094
Tucson, AZ 85721-0094
Additional Affiliations
- Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Dean: The University of Arizona, Wyant College of Optical Sciences, 2012-present
- Professor: The University of Arizona, Wyant College of Optical Sciences, 2012-present
- Director: Lehigh University, Center for Optical Technologies, 2003-2011
- Daniel E. '39 and Patricia M. Smith Chair: Lehigh University, 2003-2011
- Professor: Lehigh University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2003-2011
- Professor: Lehigh University, Department of Physics, 2003-2011
- Vice President of Technology Platforms: Lucent Technologies and Agere Systems, 2000-2003
- Chief Technical Officer of Optoelectronic Products: Bell Laboratories, 1996-1999
- Director of Semiconductor Photonics Research: Bell Laboratories, 1996-1999
- Vice President of Research and Development: SDL Inc., 1995-1996
- Department Head, Supervisor and Member of Technical Staff: Bell Laboratories, 1982-1995
Professional Affiliations and Activities History
- IEEE Photonics Society: Board of Governors and Vice President of Technical Affairs
- AIM Photonics: Technical Review Board Chair; Strategic Advisory Board Executive
- NAE: Chair of Electronics, Communication and Information Systems Engineering Section
- The Optical Society (OSA): Board of Directors
- Authored 40 patents and more than 350 combined journal and conference publications
- Chaired more than 12 international conferences
- Coedited two books and authored or co-authored five book chapters
- Served on boards or advisory boards of nine research laboratories, institutes or companies
- Served on more than 30 conference program committees
Awards and Honors
- Bell Laboratories Fellow
- IEEE Fellow
- Optica Fellow
- SPIE Fellow
- National Academy of Inventors Fellow
- IEEE Photonics Society: Distinguished Lecturer Award, 1990
- IEEE Photonics Society: William Streifer Award for Scientific Achievement, 1991
- National Academy of Engineering: Elected Member, 2006
- IEEE: Eric E. Sumner Award, 2008
Specific Research Interests
- Semiconductor optoelectronics.
- Optical fiber communications.
- Photonic integrated circuits.
- Silicon photonics.
- Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, 1982
- A.B., Princeton University, 1977