Matthew Kupinski

Meinel 436
Wyant College of Optical Sciences
The University of Arizona
1630 E. University Blvd.
P.O. Box 210094
Tucson, AZ 85721-0094
- Professor, Wyant College of Optical Sciences, Department of Medical Imaging, Program in Applied Mathematics, 2013-present
- Associate Professor, Wyant College of Optical Sciences, Department of Medical Imaging, Program in Applied Mathematics, 2008-2013
- Assistant Professor, Wyant College of Optical Sciences, Department of Medical Imaging, 2002-2008
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Medical Imaging, 2000-2002
Professional Affiliations and Activities
- The Optical Society (OSA): Member, 2004
- SPIE: Member, 2002
Awards and Honors
- SNM: Mark Tetalman Young Investigator Award, 2007
- OPTI 508
- OPTI 512L
- OPTI 636
Specific Research Interests
- Image Science
- Medical Imaging
- System Design
- System Modeling and Simulation
- Hardware and Software Optimization
- Image Analysis
Research Summary
Matthew A. Kupinski is a Professor at The University of Arizona with appointments in the College of Optical Sciences, the Department of Medical Imaging, and is an affiliate member of the Program in Applied Mathematics. He received a BS degree in physics from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas in 1995, and received his PhD in 2000 from the University of Chicago. In 2000 he became a post-doctoral researcher under Dr. Harry Barrett at the University of Arizona and became a faculty member in Optical Sciences in 2002. He is the recipient of the 2007 Mark Tetalman Award given out by the Society of Nuclear Medicine and the 2012 recipient of the Graduate and Professional Student Council Outstanding Mentor Award. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Medical Imaging, and currently the conference chair for the SPIE Image Perception Conference. He has over 50 peer-reviewed publications, numerous book chapters, and has edited a book. His current and past research funding spans the NIH, corporate projects on Medical Imaging, small-company projects on biometrics, and Department of Energy funding through collaborations with Sandia National Labs and Pacific Northwest National Labs. He has worked in diverse areas of imaging including x-ray, gamma-ray, diffuse optical, magnetic resonance, and neutron imaging.
- Anna-Marie Garcia
- Yifan Hong
- Chiao Huang
- Jason Andreoli
- Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2000
- B.S., Trinity University, 1995