What Is Optical Sciences?
Optics is...
Wyant College is Lighting the Future
The mission of the University of Arizona Wyant College of Optical Sciences is to provide the state of Arizona and the nation with an internationally pre-eminent program in education, research and outreach in all aspects of the science and application of light.
The Wyant College of Optical Sciences, formerly known as the Optical Sciences Center, was established in Tucson, Arizona, in 1964 to fulfill a national need for more highly trained engineers and physicists in the optical sciences. Throughout its 50-year history, OSC has stood on the forefront of the field; today, it educates more students in optics than any institution in the U.S.
Take a Virtual Tour

Lobby Tour
Explore the beauty of the ground floor of the Meinel Building. This is the entrance to the John E. Greivenkamp Museum of Optics, and one of the most beautiful areas of the building (other than the view from the 8th floor!) Don't forget to look UP!

Holography Lab Tour
Our buildings are filled with active research labs. One lab, the holography lab, is working on heads-up displays, 3D displays and virtual reality. Take a peek inside one of these labs to get a feel for the excitement that is concentrated on an optical table.

Fabrication Facility
You may be familiar with the Steward Observatory Mirror Lab underneath the U of A stadium, but did you know the mirrors also visit the Wyant College of Optical Sciences' basement? You can get a look inside this location as well virtually, or in-person. If visiting in-person take the central staircase down to find windows that look in on the work taking place.