Christos Gagatsos

Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Christos Gagatsos Headshot

PO BOX 210104
Building: ELECT/COMP ENGR (#00104)
Room #: 230


  • Assistant Professor of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, College of Engineering (---- - present)
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate II, University of Arizona, College of Optical Sciences, USA (May 2018 - ----)
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Warwick, Department of Physics, UK (May 2015 - April 2018)

Specific Research Interests

  • Quantum Information Theory
  • Quantum Technologies
  • Quantum Sensing and Imaging
  • Open Quantum Systems


  • Ph.D., Université Libre de Bruxelles, École Polytechnique, Belgium (December 2014)
  • M.Sc., University of Athens, Greece (May 2010)
  • B.Sc., University of Athens, Greece (September 2007)