Image Team Selected for NSF VITAL Challenge Creating the Next Generation of Learning Technologies July 26, 2023 NSF recently announced 54 teams chosen for the VITAL Prize Challenge Semi-Final Round, an initiative to support "teams developing novel learning technologies with entrepreneurial training, customer discovery support, seed funding and mentorship to build K-12 learning innovations for adoption nationwide." One team selected includes Ameé Hennig, Wyant College Media Content Manager, Prof. Allison Huff, Assistant Prof. at UArizona College of Medicine, and Vincent Hood, Illustrator and member of the Yavapai-Apache Nation. Read more Image New Course: Computational Imaging and Machine Vision Seminar July 25, 2023 Don't miss out on this opportunity to take the new OPTI 596: Computational Imaging and Machine Vision Seminar with Prof. Florian Willomitzer. Are you motivated to understand the basic principles of computational imaging and machine vision? Are you interested in learning more about the practical applications in topics such as industrial inspection, VR/AR/MR, robotics, medical imaging, remote sensing, automotive sensing, metrology, forensics, or cultural heritage preservation? Then this would be a great course for you! Sign up today! See article for image references. Read more Mohammed Hassan Publishes Article in "The Conversation" July 13, 2023 An article submitted by Associate Professor Mohammed Hassan was recently published by "The Conversation," an independent publisher of articles authored by academics for the general public. Titled, "The digital future may rely on ultrafast optical electronics and computers," the article focuses on his research into ultrafast optical switching. The article has been republished by The San Francisco Times and BusinessMirror. Read more Image See your Eye in Rainbow | Sign Up to Assist with Eye Polarimetry in Near-IR July 13, 2023 The Polarization Lab is seeking volunteers* for a project about eye polarimetry in near-infrared. Participants will have their eyes measured using a Mueller polarimeter, providing insights into the polarization properties of the iris. Plus, you'll receive the processed polarimetric data after the measurement, in other words—rainbow eye pictures! Read more Image John Hygelund Returns Unicorn's Horn to the Kingdom of Lambert Using Optical Sciences July 11, 2023 Congratulations to John Hygelund on winning the International Optical Design Conference (IODC) Illumination Contest with Optica. The challenge's advertisement begins with an abstract that could be something out of Harry Potter, requiring the hero to submit a solution for how to reattach the unicorn's horn that has been stolen by an evil sorcerer. John was deemed the hero by his entry and named both winner of the apprentice and wizard prizes. Read more Welcome to Julissa and Samantha July 11, 2023 Wyant College is pleased to welcome two new administrative staff. Samantha Staltari and Julissa Alvarez recently started at the Wyant College as new administrative associates. Welcome! Read more Image Kevin Chew Figueroa Selected for 2023 NASA Space Grant Fellowship July 9, 2023 Kevin Chew Figueroa was selected as a 2023 NASA Space Grant recipient for his proposal, "Seeing beyond the Diffraction Limit." Kevin will contribute to a grant funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) awarded to UArizona intended to detect, track, characterize, and catalog currently untracked small space debris that continues to pose a threat to manned space flights and civil and military space operations. Read more Image Student Engineering Academy Visits Wyant College for the Day June 22, 2023 Week one of the exciting Summer Engineering Academy began by featuring optical sciences and electrical & computer engineering. Wyant College was thrilled to host the SEA students June 21-22. Together, the students learned about the concepts of internal reflection as well as electrical engineering and soldering. With these skills, each student built from scratch their own infinity mirror and programmed an Arduino board to allow the LED lights inside to change color. Read more Image Indigenous Students Visit Wyant College With NASEP June 14, 2023 Twenty-four indigenous students visited Wyant College this week, June 13th, to learn more about the amazing world of optics. Wyant College faculty, staff, and students provided one-on-one opportunities to engage with optical sciences in hands-on experiments and demonstrations, beginning with a pinhole camera picture! A special thank you to Hillary Mathis, Dr. Mike Nofziger, Khawlah Al Yahyaei, Clarissa DeLeon, Alisha Whitehead and Adley Gin for providing this amazing opportunity to the NASEP students. Read more Image Wyant College Faculty Awarded Thirty Patents in 2022 June 14, 2023 In 2022, Wyant College had thirty UArizona patents issued, according to Tech Launch Arizona (TLA),—that's a third of UArizona's total ninety-two patents for the financial year. In April, TLA hosted a celebration recognizing World Intellectual Property Day at their offices at The Refinery at The Bridges. Inventors from across campus and myriad academic fields were invited to attend and received commemorative coins, each emblazoned with their name, and the name and number of the patent. Read more Pagination « First First page ‹ Previous Previous page … 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 … Next › Next page Last » Last page
Image Team Selected for NSF VITAL Challenge Creating the Next Generation of Learning Technologies July 26, 2023 NSF recently announced 54 teams chosen for the VITAL Prize Challenge Semi-Final Round, an initiative to support "teams developing novel learning technologies with entrepreneurial training, customer discovery support, seed funding and mentorship to build K-12 learning innovations for adoption nationwide." One team selected includes Ameé Hennig, Wyant College Media Content Manager, Prof. Allison Huff, Assistant Prof. at UArizona College of Medicine, and Vincent Hood, Illustrator and member of the Yavapai-Apache Nation. Read more
Image New Course: Computational Imaging and Machine Vision Seminar July 25, 2023 Don't miss out on this opportunity to take the new OPTI 596: Computational Imaging and Machine Vision Seminar with Prof. Florian Willomitzer. Are you motivated to understand the basic principles of computational imaging and machine vision? Are you interested in learning more about the practical applications in topics such as industrial inspection, VR/AR/MR, robotics, medical imaging, remote sensing, automotive sensing, metrology, forensics, or cultural heritage preservation? Then this would be a great course for you! Sign up today! See article for image references. Read more
Mohammed Hassan Publishes Article in "The Conversation" July 13, 2023 An article submitted by Associate Professor Mohammed Hassan was recently published by "The Conversation," an independent publisher of articles authored by academics for the general public. Titled, "The digital future may rely on ultrafast optical electronics and computers," the article focuses on his research into ultrafast optical switching. The article has been republished by The San Francisco Times and BusinessMirror. Read more
Image See your Eye in Rainbow | Sign Up to Assist with Eye Polarimetry in Near-IR July 13, 2023 The Polarization Lab is seeking volunteers* for a project about eye polarimetry in near-infrared. Participants will have their eyes measured using a Mueller polarimeter, providing insights into the polarization properties of the iris. Plus, you'll receive the processed polarimetric data after the measurement, in other words—rainbow eye pictures! Read more
Image John Hygelund Returns Unicorn's Horn to the Kingdom of Lambert Using Optical Sciences July 11, 2023 Congratulations to John Hygelund on winning the International Optical Design Conference (IODC) Illumination Contest with Optica. The challenge's advertisement begins with an abstract that could be something out of Harry Potter, requiring the hero to submit a solution for how to reattach the unicorn's horn that has been stolen by an evil sorcerer. John was deemed the hero by his entry and named both winner of the apprentice and wizard prizes. Read more
Welcome to Julissa and Samantha July 11, 2023 Wyant College is pleased to welcome two new administrative staff. Samantha Staltari and Julissa Alvarez recently started at the Wyant College as new administrative associates. Welcome! Read more
Image Kevin Chew Figueroa Selected for 2023 NASA Space Grant Fellowship July 9, 2023 Kevin Chew Figueroa was selected as a 2023 NASA Space Grant recipient for his proposal, "Seeing beyond the Diffraction Limit." Kevin will contribute to a grant funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) awarded to UArizona intended to detect, track, characterize, and catalog currently untracked small space debris that continues to pose a threat to manned space flights and civil and military space operations. Read more
Image Student Engineering Academy Visits Wyant College for the Day June 22, 2023 Week one of the exciting Summer Engineering Academy began by featuring optical sciences and electrical & computer engineering. Wyant College was thrilled to host the SEA students June 21-22. Together, the students learned about the concepts of internal reflection as well as electrical engineering and soldering. With these skills, each student built from scratch their own infinity mirror and programmed an Arduino board to allow the LED lights inside to change color. Read more
Image Indigenous Students Visit Wyant College With NASEP June 14, 2023 Twenty-four indigenous students visited Wyant College this week, June 13th, to learn more about the amazing world of optics. Wyant College faculty, staff, and students provided one-on-one opportunities to engage with optical sciences in hands-on experiments and demonstrations, beginning with a pinhole camera picture! A special thank you to Hillary Mathis, Dr. Mike Nofziger, Khawlah Al Yahyaei, Clarissa DeLeon, Alisha Whitehead and Adley Gin for providing this amazing opportunity to the NASEP students. Read more
Image Wyant College Faculty Awarded Thirty Patents in 2022 June 14, 2023 In 2022, Wyant College had thirty UArizona patents issued, according to Tech Launch Arizona (TLA),—that's a third of UArizona's total ninety-two patents for the financial year. In April, TLA hosted a celebration recognizing World Intellectual Property Day at their offices at The Refinery at The Bridges. Inventors from across campus and myriad academic fields were invited to attend and received commemorative coins, each emblazoned with their name, and the name and number of the patent. Read more