Graduate Assistantships


The 2024 Graduate Supplemental Summer Compensation form must be completed by both the student and Principal Investigator, and submitted by Friday, April 26, 2024 to ensure timely processing and payment. Contact with questions.

Be sure to complete all steps:

  1. Register for Fall 2024 Classes:  Funding paperwork will not be processed if you are not yet registered full time for the fall term (at least 6 units). If you are planning to graduate in Summer 2024 follow the specific set of instructions provided to you via email or contact Mark Rodriguez ( for guidance.
  2. Complete the student portion of the 2024 Graduate Summer Supplemental Compensation Form (PDF).
  3. Request that your faculty supervisor complete their section of the hiring form, including signature, account number, and number of approved hours to work.
  4. Submit completed form via email to by April 26, 2024.

A Graduate Student is not authorized to work, and Principal Investigator may not assign research project until funding and student academic registration is verified by OSC Academic Programs, Accounting, and Human Resources, and hiring is complete.   Retroactive hire/pay is not supported based on UA Policy.. 


Teaching Assistantships (TA Positions)

Application: To be considered for a Fall 2024 Optical Sciences TA position complete the online sign-up form by June 21st, 2024:

Students offered a TA position will complete the Fall 2024 TA Funding Authorization Form should be completed by students offered a TA position.  Completed forms should be emailed to  Students and the course instructor must complete and sign the form before submission.  Late forms will be processed but may result in late start dates and missed pay.  Teaching appointments are by semester only, and a separate graduate student appointment form must be completed for fall and spring semesters. Students are limited to 1.0 Full Time Equivalency (FTE) in teaching appointments. Students who surpass the 1.0 FTE limit must complete the online Graduate Student Teaching Appointment Petition form.  Upon completion of the online form, the student’s faculty advisor will be emailed a faculty petition. Both petitions must be filled out for consideration of additional teaching appointments. 



Research Assistantships (RA Positions)

Students being hired by a faculty member to work in a research group should complete The RA Funding Authorization hiring form. Completed forms should be emailed to by July 26, 2024.  Students and Faculty must complete and sign the form before submission.  Late forms will be processed but may result in late start dates and missed pay.



Graduate Assistant/Associate Information

A .50 full-time equivalent (half-time; 20 hours per week) teaching or research assistant position includes a stipend, a full tuition waiver and student health insurance; a .25 FTE (quarter-time; 10 hours a week) position includes a stipend, a waiver of half tuition and student health insurance. 

OSC GA Benefits Summary Sheet (PDF) 

UA Graduate College GA Manual

Qualifications for GA Appointment 

Questions regarding GA funding should be directed to