OSC Colloquium: Richard Youngworth colloquium, "What All Optical Scientists Should Know..."

Sept. 8, 2021

Topic: What All Optical Scientists Should Know about (Optics) Standards 

Host: Dalziel Wilson 

Co-Host: Jose Sasian 

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In this presentation we give a “crash course” into what everyone should know about how standards affect optical sciences and industry. Standards have a long rich history of successful application, including setting scientific norms like weights and measures, units, safety, providing quality guarantees, and making life easier for complex industries with communication and testing protocols. Our approach will be a fast-paced and entertaining look at multiple facets of standards: their history, how and why standards are applied, the organization of relevant standards groups, the process of developing standards, the future of standards, and how you can get involved and become one of the critical workers helping to develop optics standards. The talk is a great opportunity to gain exposure to this broad and important career topic. 

Speaker Bio(s): 

Richard N. Youngworth, Ph.D. is Founder and Chief Engineer of Riyo LLC, an optical design and engineering firm and through Riyo is Staff Technical Consultant for Lambda Research Corporation. Dr. Youngworth is a Fellow of SPIE and OSA and has been honored to be an Adjunct Associate Professor at the James C. Wyant College of Optical Sciences since 2012. David M Aikens is Founder and Chief Engineer of Savvy Optics Corp, which is dedicated to reducing confusion and waste in the optics industry through standards, training, and practical products to address the troubling problem of surface imperfection specifications. He is a Fellow of SPIE and this year's recipient of the prestigious A. E. Conrady Award for optical engineering.


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