Image Joseph Cox Awarded SMART SEED Grant Sept. 5, 2023 In demonstration of his research ability, recent alumnus, Joseph Cox, PhD; was awarded a SMART SEED Grant. This grant is awarded to a subset of PhD SMART Scholars and awards research grants up to $100,000 per year for a maximum of three years to SMART scholars who are transitioning from their PhD programs into DoD civilian researchers. Read more
Image Warrior Scholars Project at Wyant College Sept. 5, 2023 Wyant College PhD student, Jay Kueny, facilitated a group project as part of the Warrior Scholars Project (WSP), July 24-28. During the project, Jay said, "I introduced the basic principles of interferometry and helped the students build their own interferometer setups in the junior teaching lab. Many fringes were seen and counted this week. The veteran participants kept saying how much they were looking forward to lab time each day, and I felt that by the end, they truly understood the basic concepts behind interferometry! A couple of them also mentioned how they are now interested in studying optics!" Read more
Contracts & Grants: Quantum Fluctuation Phenomena in Macroscopic Quantum Systems Exploring the Foundation of Quantum Mechanics with Levitated Nanospheres Sept. 1, 2023 Read more
Contracts & Grants: Fast Multi-Functional 3D Imaging of Cellular Activities in Deep Tissue Sept. 1, 2023 Read more
Contracts & Grants: Cis-Lunar Optomechanical-Gravimetry/Pseudolite CubeSat Constellation and Terrestrial Arrays to Aid Lunar Reference System Realization and Precise Navigation Aug. 31, 2023 Read more
Image OSC Colloquium: Matt Eichenfield, "Piezoelectric Photonic and Phononic Circuits: Redefining the State-of-the-Art in Classical and Quantum Information Processing" Aug. 31, 2023 Matt Eichenfield SPIE Endowed Chair in University of Arizona’s Wyant College of Optical Sciences and a Distinguished Faculty Joint Appointee at Sandia National Laboratories In this talk, Professor Eichenfield will discuss his groups’ work in using this property in specially designed microsystems to radically enhance the performance of and enable completely novel functionalities in two very different classes of microsystems. Read more
Image Wyant College of Optical Sciences Welcomes Four New Faculty Aug. 24, 2023 The Wyant College of Optical Sciences is pleased to welcome three new faculty hires for Fall 2023, and one new faculty hire for Spring 2024. Wyant College of Optical Sciences Dean and Professor Thomas L. Koch welcomed the new faculty saying, “We are thrilled to have Dr. ElKabbash, Dr. Seyler, Dr. Soh and Dr. Sinha joining us at Wyant College of Optical Sciences. These extraordinary individuals will bring exciting new dimensions to our research program and curriculum, providing new opportunities and insights to both our students and external stakeholders.” Read more University of Rochester Professor Julie Bentley elected into SPIE presidential chain Aug. 24, 2023 University of Rochester Professor Julie Bentley elected into SPIE presidential chain Optical Sciences Winter School for Enabling Future Students in Optics Society Aug. 24, 2023 Optical Sciences Winter School for Enabling Future Students in Optics Society
Image Joshua Follansbee Selected for Dr. Jack Slater Award Aug. 23, 2023 Congratulations to Joshua Follansbee on his selection to receive the Dr. Jack Slater Award funded by the Joint Directed Energy Transition Office (JDETO). The $10,000 award is granted annually to the highest scoring student focusing their research efforts on high energy lasers (HEL). Joshua is advised by Prof. Ron Driggers. Read more