Select a drop-down from the list below to learn more about it.
The Instructor Center is the University’s electronic method for viewing class rosters, dropping students and assigning grades. Complete instructions can be found here.
- On the UAccess Web page, select “Instructor Center” (located under the UAccess Student header) and enter your UA NetID and password.
- Once you’ve logged in, you will typically be looking at your own current class schedule on the Instructor Center page. Classes for current term should automatically populate the page. If not, click the green button to change terms.
- To view your class roster, click on the people icon (
) on the far left. You can click on the download icon (
) to view your roster and student emails in a spreadsheet.
- At the end of the semester you will see the grade icon (
) next to the people icon. The grade icon will be used to post grades.
The Instructor Center also allows you to send notifications to students and send notifications to the Registrar.
If you would like your teaching assistant to access class rosters and assign grades, please contact the curriculum coordinator.
You may perform an online administrative drop via UAccess or by using the paper administrative drop form (available through a link at the bottom of your class roster). A grade of W or E is to be assigned on this form. Forms must be received in Administration 210 by 5 p.m. on the due date.
- Log in and click the green button to change terms.
- Select the current semester.
- Click on the class roster icon (
) on the left side next to the class.
- Check the administrative drop check-box next to the students that will be administratively dropped.
- Press the "administrative drop" button located at the bottom of the class roster.
Final grades are due in UAccess no more than 48 hours after the final examination is held.
- “K” Grades
Award "K" grades (continuing, in progress) for 900-level courses (report, thesis and dissertation) under your faculty section number.
A grade of "P" or "S" is awarded when a student has completed all degree requirements including the M.S. and Ph.D. oral examination. Use the Change of Grade Form from the final exam packet to issue either "P" or "S."
- Issuing "I" Grades
An incomplete grade should only be issued when a minor portion of the coursework remains. Incomplete grade policies can be reviewed in the UA Catalog. Instructors are encouraged to use the Incomplete Grade Report (PDF) form as a contract with the student as to what course work must be completed by the student for the I grade to be removed and replaced with a grade.
- Changing "I" Grades
You can change last year’s "I" grades in the UAccess Instructor Center. Note that only primary instructors can change "I" grades.- Log in and click the green button to change terms.
- Select last year’s term.
- Click on the grade roster posted icon (
) on the left side next to the class.
- In the grade roster action box, click Request Grade Change.
- Change the "I" grade to a final grade and click "Submit."
- Requesting a Grade Change
You can change previously posted grades in the UAccess Instructor Center. Note that grade change requests must result from some form of miscalculation, and an explanation of the miscalculation must be provided to the Registrars' Office.- Log in and click the green button to change terms.
- Select the appropriate term.
- Click on the grade roster posted icon (
) on the left side next to the class.
- In the grade roster action box, click Request Grade Change.
- Select the student for whom you are requesting a grade change and click "Miscalculation."
- Complete the "New Grade" and "Describe the Miscalculation" fields providing details about the miscalculation.
- Click "Submit" and confirm your submission in the pop-up box.
- A workflow will be created. You will be notified via email when the request is approved, denied or if additional information is needed.
- Issuing a Failing Grade
Beginning Spring 2014, when assigning a grade of E or F to a student, instructors will be required to provide additional information on why the grade was assigned. Instructors must select one of the following reasons for the student being awarded a failing grade:- Student completed the course and earned a failing grade.
- Student never attended the course.
- Student stopped attending the course after MM/DD/YYYY.
- Instructions for entering failing grade using the import function.
You may call or visit the university's 24/7 IT Support Center or submit a question to
Effective Fall 2012, course proposal and modification requests must be submitted by the following deadlines: Feb. 1 for fall courses, Sept. 1 for spring courses. Please contact Mark Rodriguez for assistance in submitting new or changed courses
Desire2Learn, or D2L, is a learning management system, a relatively easy way to create a course website that allows "anytime, anywhere" access to syllabi, readings, multimedia files, electronic dropboxes, online quizzes, email, grading, student progress reports, project files and more.
- To add your class to D2L, go to the D2L Tools Manual page.
- Click the Request a Course Site link located above the Assessment Tools box under the main D2L banner image. Log in with your UA NetID, select all sections you wish to be included in a single site and submit. Course sites will be activated within 24 hours. Only primary instructors listed in the schedule of classes may request a D2L site.
- Please email the UA D2L Support Team if you have questions or concerns.
- Various D2L tutorials can be found on the D2L Tools Manual page. If you need additional assistance, please contact Mark Rodriguez.
Once a D2L course site exists, users with instructor access can provide other users, such as teaching assistants, with administrator access. To add an administrator, click the Classlist tab and then click on Add Participant. Add each user by NetID. Please contact UITS if you need assistance navigating through this process.
Email Mark Rodriguez to update syllabi online and to maintain hard copies in binders.
Order your textbooks from the UA Bookstores or send your textbook info to Mark Rodriguez. We must comply with the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 and meet the expectations of the Arizona Board of Regents by ordering books on time.
Textbook Ordering Instructions
- Go to Click on Faculty Center (under UA Banner).
- Scroll down to Faculty Resources. Click on the UA Main Campus Link.
- Log in with your UA NetID and Password.
- First-time users will be prompted to update their customer type. Select UA Faculty.
- Your page should jump to the MBS Bookstore ordering page.
- Click on Guided Adoption and follow the four-step ordering instructions on the page. The circles at the top will guide you.
- You should receive an email confirmation. Forward your email confirmation to the curriculum coordinator.
Our representative at the bookstore is Chris.
If you would like to print class notes, consider Fast Copy or EES Copy Center. Both provide copyright permission assistance.
- To place books on reserve in the Fred A. Hopf Reading Room at the College of Optical Sciences, please email the curriculum coordinator.
- To submit your class to iTunes U, you don’t need to teach in Meinel 305 or 307. You can podcast your lectures from any location. The UA Office of Instruction and Assessment will loan out digital recorders for free.
- You can also promote your class or research through UA’s YouTube channel. OIA can assist and support your video needs.