OSC Colloquium: Nick Takaki, "Mathematical Surface Descriptions in Freeform Optical Design"

Oct. 5, 2023

Optical Engineering

colloquium Takaki


Mathematical Surface Descriptions in Freeform Optical Design


Freeform optics continue to grow in prevalence. In this talk, we discuss the mathematics of freeform surface descriptions, with emphasis on base surfaces versus freeform departures and on the use of off-axis conics as base surfaces. A design examples is presented that leverages base off-axis conics to reduce freeform departures and interferometric null testability.


Nick Takaki is a senior research and development engineer in the Optical Solutions Group at Synopsys. Dr. Takaki earned his Ph.D. in Optics from the University of Rochester, and his B.S. and M.S. in Computational and Applied Mathematics from Carnegie Mellon University. While at the University of Rochester, he worked with Professor Jannick Rolland as part of the Center for Freeform Optics. During his Ph.D., Dr. Takaki received the Michael Kidger Memorial Scholarship for optical design in 2019 and was a winner of the Robert S. Hilbert Memorial Optical Design Competition in 2020. Since completing his Ph.D., Dr. Takaki has worked as a developer on the CODE V team at Synopsys. He also is involved with SPIE’s Optical Engineering as an associate editor. His academic interests include optical design for manufacture and test, freeform optics, confocal conics and optimization.

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Florian Willomitzer, Colloquium Chair & Professor: colloquium@optics.arizona.edu

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