Optica Presents Jim Wyant with Highest Award

The Wyant College is pleased to announce that Dr. James C. Wyant, the college's namesake, was selected as the 2022 recipient of Optica's highest award—the Frederic Ives Medal and Jarus W. Quinn Prize. Read the official Optica press release.
Optica shares, "Jim is being honored specifically for pioneering contributions in advancing the science and technology of quantitative interferometric metrology, his leadership as an educator and entrepreneur, and his visionary service to the global optics and photonics community."
Satoshi Kawata, Optica’s 2022 President spoke of the award and Jim's selection, “Jim Wyant has enhanced our field and Society through his extraordinary work as an educator, scientist, entrepreneur and leader. We are grateful to Jim for all he has given to our community.”
Congratulations, Jim on this great and highest of honors from Optica.
Read more about Jim in the articles featuring him in Reflections and Etendue.