The Wyant College would like to congratulate all the graduates of Spring 2021! We'd also like to recognize the hard work and achievements of this year's Wyant College Valedictorians. Congratulations, and well done!
Christopher "Christer" D. Everly
Favorite Memory at OSC:
My favorite memory at OSC was getting to see some of my dearest friends at and before graduation as some of the pandemic restrictions got lifted. I have been lucky enough to have had some of the greatest friends a person could ask for in this program. And that moment of reconnection after being separated for so long will be something I cherish for many years to come.
Favorite Class:
My favorite class was Quantum Optics with Professor Ewan Wright. I loved the class because the quantum realm excites me to no end. Getting closer to pushing the boundaries of how we understand our observable world is one of the most exciting things I can think of.
Words of Wisdom:
My words of wisdom are just to check in along your own pathway to make sure you are happy. Goals are great to have, but if you are not happy on the journey, the goal isn't worth it. I feel many of us get too caught up in achieving the next objective. Live for the process, not the finale.
Natalie K. Shultz
Favorite Memory at OSC:
When it snowed and we asked Dr. Greivenkamp if we could have class outside. Also finding white light fringes.
Favorite Class:
My favorite class was Advanced Characterization Methods in Materials Science because it was so interesting to learn about tools that help us understand materials, particularly optical properties of materials, many of which use some form of optics or rely on understanding optical principles.
Words of Wisdom:
Don’t be afraid to do something you’ve never done before, to fail, and to ask for help.
Michael E. Snow
Ryker Eads
Travis W. Sawyer
Favorite Memory at OSC:
Helping set up and participate in Laser Fun day 2015 as an outreach co-chair in SOCk. Many of my classmates were also very involved with SOCk that year - my good friend Kaitlyn Williams was also outreach co-chair - and I thought this was one of my favorite iterations of LFD because of our teamwork! Second favorite: Halloween 2014. Lots of good costumes - I dressed up as the color orange and showed up to OPTI 421 Optomechanics to find that a rooster was teaching us that day.
Favorite Class:
OPTI 537 with Lars Furenlid. This was my favorite because it presented light generation, propagation and detection in a new, but elegant way that made me think differently about optics! Taking it in my 7th year in the department, it was amazing to have the feeling of complete wonder again that I remember from my early days learning science!
Words of Wisdom:
Don't be afraid of failure. Failure is just a stepping stone to success. We often only see other people's "highlight reels" and intimately aware of our own failures. This can make us think that we aren't doing as well as others, but try not to fall into the trap of thinking this way - everyone experiences failure and it's a natural part of learning.
Randy Phillip Scott