Make it Happen at the Wyant College of Optical Sciences

Through your research, you develop knowledge that can change the world. 

Have you discussed your research with Tech Launch Arizona? By reporting inventions and just talking through your work with a TLA Licensing Manager, you have the opportunity to:

  • Increase funding for your lab, department and college
  • Qualify for industry and federal grants, such as SBIR funds
  • Make your research more attractive for future funding

Most importantly, you can increase your impact and contribute to making a better world.

Why is it essential for UA faculty and researchers to talk to TLA about their research and inventions?

"We want to have the technologies that we work on, that we create at this university, to help people. And the only way to do that is to create a culture of innovation."

Nasser Peyghambarian, Ph.D., Professor of Optical Sciences and Materials Engineering, College of Optical Sciences, National Academy of Inventors Fellow

Learn more about disclosing inventions and how TLA can help you maximize your impact. 

Learn more about how Tech Launch Arizona facilitates the entire commercialization process, from research to invention to impact.

Contact us to open a conversation. With experts, services and funding, we're here to help. 

Rakhi Gibbons, TLA Director of Licensing