Redshifts by Breakfast but what is for lunch? From DESI to Stage-5 Spectroscopy
The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) is an ultra-efficient multi-object spectrograph installed on the Mayall telescope. DESI routinely collects spectra from ~2 million objects per month, and delivers nightly redshifts in time for morning coffee. The DESI survey is now more than 60% complete, and so planning for future campaigns is beginning in earnest. I will describe the DESI "Stage-4" experiment, with a focus on how the design of the DESI instrument enables the survey to study dark energy. I will then present a proposal for an upgraded "DESI-2" survey, which would, in part, survey higher-redshift sources to probe early dark energy and the growth of structure in the matter-dominated regime. Finally, I will detail requirements to achieve a "Stage-5" experiment, which could be met by upgrading the Mayall and Blanco telescopes and installing augmented DESI-type devices at each of these facilities. I will outline proposed designs for such instruments, and the path towards realizing these designs!
Dr. Claire Poppett is a researcher in astrophysics at the UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory who specializes in Astronomical Instrumentation. She is particularly motivated to research and develop new technical solutions that are necessary to build the next generation of astronomical instruments in order to answer the big questions about our universe. She is the lead fiber scientist for DESI and also leads DESI operations. She is a driving force in the next generation spectroscopic survey that will built on DESI heritage with a science focus on Inflation and the early Universe as well as evolving Dark Energy