First Cork Summer School in Memory of Prof. Stephan W. Koch

University College Cork in collaboration with Wyant College of Optical Sciences recently completed the Cork Summer School 2023: Extreme Nonlinear Optics in Solids. The school took place at University College Cork, Ireland from Aug. 13 - 18, 2023. The Cork Summer School was formally dedicated in memory of Prof. Stephan W. Koch of Marburg, Germany and the Wyant College of Optical Sciences. All lecturers for the school were former students or colleagues of Prof. Koch.
The school was developed to support graduate students and undergraduate students as well as senior researchers seeking an accelerated exposure to the study of extreme nonlinear optics in solids. School organizers included Prof. John McInerney (UCC, Ireland) and Prof. Jerry Moloney (UArizona). Learn more about the program and invited lecturers here.
Support for the program comes from the U.S Air Force Office for Scientific Research and their EOARD (London) counterpart.