Annual SOCk Camping Trip

The Student Optics Chapter would like to formally invite you to Mount Graham to tour the Large Binocular Telescope! This is a very special, annual event made possible through the generosity of the workers on Mount Graham.
Located at 10,500-ft, the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) consists of two 8-m class telescopes able to provide a spatial resolution of a 22.7-m telescope, and the observatory's mission is to be the first Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) and to be one of the leading 8-m telescopes. It is an international collaboration of the University of Arizona, Italy, Germany, The Ohio State University, University of Minnesota, University of Virginia, and the University of Notre Dame.
We plan to leave in three 15-passenger HOV vans (one departing in the afternoon, and two in the evening) on April 21st (Friday) to accommodate differing schedules between students. However, students are also welcome to drive themselves! We will camp at Riggs Flat Lake on Mount Graham, which is a three and a half hour drive from Tucson, and the tour is scheduled for April 22nd at 12:00pm (subject to change). We will then return to Tucson once the tour is finished on Saturday late afternoon/early evening.
It is free to attend, and dinner will be provided for all attendees on April 21st! However, we will not be providing camping gear, as Campus Rec requires each person to check out their own camping gear, individually.
We are very excited to camp one night in Coronado National Forest, enjoy some food and games, tour a telescope, and build friendships throughout the optics college. We hope to see you there!
If interested, please fill out this google form.
Informational meeting this FRIDAY, MARCH 24th at 12:00 pm in room 410.