Vignettes of Optics Research at Air Force Research Laboratory and SMART Scholarship Discussion
Joseph Cox is a Research Electronics Engineer at the Air Force Research Laboratory, Directed Energy Directorate. In 2023, he received his PhD in Optical Science at the University of Arizona. He is a SMART Scholarship and SMART SEED Grant recipient. His work involves integrating computer systems with optics. He enjoys working with students and was the primary mentor for six interns this past summer.
I will discuss my research at the Air Force Research Laboratory over the past year. I approach my work using computer systems to integrate and control optical systems in support of the Air Force mission. Major activities include developing a research program, managing a high-energy laser diagnostic system, recruiting and managing student researchers, and developing and awarding SBIR topics. Specific technical topics include event-based sensing, artificial intelligence, record-time flight testing, training videos, and laser guns. At the end, I will discuss the SMART Scholarship and summarize pros and cons of working for the government. Listeners will gain appreciation of upcoming optics technologies, opportunities in government research, and ways of applying their education.