POW (Practical Optics Workshop) has exciting lens design opportunities for you this spring! Our tutors are ready and excited to help you out with CODE V/OpticStudio questions. We have six new tutors!
The POW Optical Design Team is organizing an exciting learning opportunity! We will be hosting “Intro / intermediate Code V,” which will go through the basis of Code V optical design and ray tracing software and simple optimization. Below you can find the information you will need to sign up and attend. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you there!
What? Intro / Intermediate Code V
Where? Meinel Conference Room 821
When? Friday, February 16th, 1:30-3:30 PM
How? Register HERE!
Don’t forget to bring a laptop with Code V installed to the workshop! You will find download instructions here.
But I’m a distance student? Tune in on zoom in real-time here, or request access to our recording by email! Meeting password: codev
Snacks? Yes :)
Are there other workshops? Check out the attached flyer!
As always, if you have research or senior projects you need help with, we have certified tutors available to meet with you. Please make sure to give us a brief description of the issue you would like help with so we can match you with a tutor using this form.
Here is what we have to offer
- Our workshops will be held on Fridays from 1:30-3:30PM. Most of our workshops are in Meinel 821, but some are in Meinel 307.
- You can consult the flyers around the building (also attached) for the dates and locations.
- Our first workshop is NEXT FRIDAY 2/16: Intro & Intermediate CODE V!
- This semester, we have a brand-new workshop: Intro to LightTools!
- We provide snacks
- For the first time ever, we are holding a lens design competition! Put on your competitive hat and join us to create a fun lens design solution for a problem of our choosing!
- Save the date: 4/12 (Friday, 1:30-3:30, Meinel 821)
- Expect prizes! (TBA)
1-on-1 help
- If you’re looking for help one-on-one with a tutor, please scan the QR code on the attached flyer or click here.
- The new-and-improved google format is faster to fill out, and it sends your response right away to our active tutors for quicker response times.
- Older forms you may find are obsolete.