Date Published: September 21, 2017
The Large Optics Fabrication and Testing (LOFT) group under the lead of Dae Wook Kim has developed a new instantaneous deflectometry technology, which they implemented on an iPhone (see Trumper, Choi, and Kim, “Instantaneous Phase Shifting Deflectometry,” Optics Express 2017). This development enables high precision snapshot measurements of time-varying surfaces, such as a deformable mirror (example in figure) or active bending modes of a large optic. Phase shifting deflectometry now has the capability to measure dynamic optics.

Deformable mirror (DM) test configuration using the iPhone. Rays drawn in red arrows represent the time-reversed paths to show the as-used section of the screen.

Deformable mirror surface measurement made at ~10 Hz using instantaneous deflectometry implemented on an iPhone.