Candidates for the DeBell Scholarship must be United States citizens and entering their first year as a graduate student in optical sciences. Selection is based on academic excellence rather than on financial need, and selection criteria include past performance, promise for the future and a demonstrated intention to pursue a career in applied optics.
FoTO Scholarship Recipients
Harrison Bradley
Patrick Cornwall
Alisha Whitehead
Quinn Jarecki
Khalid Omer
Zuzana Calbo
Remington Ketchum
Brandon Hellman
Fellowship Recipients
2014-2015: Kali Wilson
2013-2014: Byron Cocilovo
2012-2013: Brittany Lynn
2011-2012: Edgar Madril
2010-2011: Laura Coyle and Brian Primeau
2009-2010: Charles LaCasse, Darren Miller and Lori Moore
2008-2009: Bruce Pixton
2007-2008: Michael Kudenov
2006-2007: John Sullivan
2005-2006: Eric Goodwin
2004-2005: Nathan Hagen
2003-2004: Gregory Williby
2002-2003: Derek Sabatke
2001-2002: Jesse Frantz and Ann Locke
2000-2001: Daniel Smith
1999-2000: Neal Beaudry
1998-1999: Robert Gappinger
1997-1998: Curtis Volin
1996-1997: Matthew Dubin
1995-1996: Bruce Jacobsen
1994-1995: Patrick Ryan
1993-1994: Joseph Shiefman
1992-1993: Andrew Lowman
1991-1992: Kenneth Moore
1990-1991: Gorden Videen