SOC Community Speakers: Joseph Shaw

Joseph Shaw SOC

Joseph Shaw SOC


Noon – 1 p.m., Feb. 28, 2025


Optics is a field that presents fabulous science and engineering career opportunities. This presentation with Alumnus of the Year, Joseph Shaw, will take you on a brief tour of some of the key scientific mysteries and engineering accomplishments that have made up his optics career working at a federal research lab and a university while collaborating with  numerous companies. Each tour stop will provide a lesson learned from activities that have included optical ocean measurements on a ship mostly submerged in water, infrared measurements of clouds in the high Arctic, and lidar mapping of invasive lake trout at Yellowstone National Park. These lessons relate to the decisions he has made about what and where to study in school, what job to take, where to live and how to navigate an academic career with numerous connctions to industry.