Wyant College Departmental Scholarships Accepting Applications for 2025-2026 Academic Year

Feb. 26, 2025

It’s that time of year!  Wyant College's 2025-2026 academic year departmental scholarships are now available for application.  The application deadline for all departmental scholarships is March 30, 2025, at 11:59pm.  If you will be an active student in a OSC undergraduate or graduate program next academic year (25-26), you are encouraged to apply!  This is the single major scholarship opportunity for OSC students, with over $120K in total scholarship funds being awarded for 25-26.  These scholarships are provided by generous donors and are only available to OSC students.  As a result, your odds of being awarded are much higher than many other opportunities.  Additionally, applying is quick and easy! Completion of a single scholarship application will automatically apply you to all OSC scholarships in which you are eligible.

The application process will take place online via Scholarship Universe (SU), UA’s official scholarship management system.  Be sure that your SU student profile is complete and up to date.  This can be done by updating your answers to previously answered profile Questions. This is important to accurately match you to 25-26 scholarshipsFind tips on navigating the system here along with other helpful tips.  You can also find helpful Scholarship Universe instructional videos along with information on in person workshops HERE.


  • Be sure that your SU profile question responses are updated to reflect your status for the upcoming 25-26 academic year (i.e. grade level, research, GPA, etc.).  Note that even returning students need to update their responses, including to these questions due to recent system updates:
    • What major(s) are you currently admitted to or enrolled in at the University of Arizona (UA)?: Select either Optical Sciences & Engineering (BS), Optical Sciences (MS) or Optical Sciences (PhD).
    • Which University of Arizona (UA) college(s) are you currently admitted to or enrolled in?:  Select “James C. Wyant College of Optical Sciences (replaced Optical Sciences).
  • If you are a graduating senior who plans to start an OSC graduate program next year (25-26), be sure that your SU profile reflects that you will be a graduate student.  If not, you will not be matched to graduate student scholarship. AMP students who completed the BS degree should select MS as major.
  • Some scholarships require demonstrated financial need, which is determined by completion of a 25-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for U.S. citizens. If you have not already filed a FAFSA, you should do so before the application deadline date of 3/20/25. FAFSA Application: (https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa.

 Questions? Email: grad-funding@optics.arizona.edu