Wyant College 2022-2023 Outstanding Students

May 18, 2023
2023 Spring Convocation 4

2023 Spring Convocation - Recognized/Outstanding Students
(Left to Right)
YiYun Wu - Undergraduate Valedictorian
Brian Anderson - Associate Dean for Graduate Academic Affairs
Jiahui Gu - Graduate Valedictorian
Lauren McCaffrey - Outstanding Senior
Francisco Flowers - Wildcat Award
Derek Burrell - Outstanding Graduate Student
John Koshel - Associate Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs
Trenton Brendel - Outstanding Graduate Student Mentor

(not pictured)
Charles Condos - Outstanding Teaching Assistant

Each spring, the Wyant College of Optical Sciences recognizes incredible students, as nominated by professors and peers and selected by a faculty and staff committee. Congratulations to Lauren McCaffrey (Outstanding Senior), Charles Condos (Outstanding Graduate TA), Derek Burrell (Outstanding Graduate Student), Trenton Brendel (Outstanding Graduate Student Mentor) and Francisco Flowers (Wildcat Award) as the 2022-2023 Outstanding Students of the Year. All four were publicly recognized during the End of Year Student Celebration on May 8th, 2023, and awarded certificates by Professor and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs, R. John Koshel.

Outstanding Graduate Student

Derek Burrell

nominated by advisor Ron Driggers
derek burrell outstanding students

Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award

Charles Condos

nominated by Dal Wilson for his work as TA in OPTI 210 Physical Optics and 511L Laser Physics Lab
Condos, Charles.jpg

Outstanding Senior Award

Lauren McCaffrey

selected by Academic Programs Office
Lauren McCaffery outstanding students

Outstanding Graduate Student Mentor Award

Trenton Brendel

nominated by multiple student peers.
Trenton Brendel Headshot

Wildcat Award

Francisco Flowers

selected by Academic Programs Office
Francisco Flower outstanding students