Welcome Nickte and Danitza

Wyant College of Optical Sciences is pleased to welcome two new administrative associates to the college. Danitza Garcia and Nickte Saenz join the college's team to support the many faculty and research projects underway.

Nickte Saenz
Nickte joins the Wyant College of Optical Sciences as a new administrative associate. She can be found in Meinel 642. You can also email her at nsaenz@optics.arizona.edu or call her at 520-626-7080. Feel free to stop by and say hello!

Danitza Garcia
Danitza is a born and raised Arizonan who loves the Wildcats and has worked for the University of Arizona for 5 years. Previously, she worked in the University of Arizona COM-T in the department of OBGYN, with medical students and residents. Later, she moved to the University of Arizona Health Sciences, Innovations in Healthy Aging (IHA), part of the UArizona Strategic Plan initiatives. While with IHA, she planned various events such as a lecture series, community events, and out-of-state symposiums, to promote healthy aging for all. Danitza has said she is, "looking forward to joining such a strong and supportive Administration team. I also am excited to learn more about the cutting-edge work that the Wyant College of Optical Science is doing." She has goals to continue her education at UArizona and in her free time enjoys reading and exploring new coffee shops and restaurants. You can find her in Meinel 642 or email her at Dgarcia@optics.arizona.edu and call her at 520- 621-1925.