Tour the National Ignition Facility with LLNL

On December 5th the National Ignition Facility (NIF) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) achieved fusion ignition, a major scientific breakthrough decades in the making. Come join us to see the facility where it happened. Find more information about NIF.
NIF will be hosting a special NIF tour for our faculty/student/alumni colleagues from our valued strategic university partners at University of Rochester/Arizona on Friday, February 3, 2023. (This is right after Photonics West in San Francisco.)
The tour will take place at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), 45 miles east of San Francisco (~1 hour drive). You will need to provide your own transportation. LLNL can also send out information about BART, the Bay Area subway system.
The tour will be at 11AM and will run approximately 60-90 minutes. LLNL can only accommodate a limited number of visitors so please sign up ASAP. In addition, non-US citizens will need additional approval before LLNL site access is approved and would need to sign up before Jan 12, 2023 to allow for processing time. US citizens need to sign up by Jan 27, 2023. Please only sign up if you are planning to attend. If you have any questions, reach out to Zhi Liao, UofR alumni ( or Erin Clark, UofA alumni (