Superlative Staff: May SPOT Award & 2nd Quarter Peer to Peer
Aug. 9, 2022
Congratulations to OSC's latest Staff Recognition Award winners! Matthew Dubin nominated Alejandro Ramos Romero for the 2nd Quarter Peer-to-Peer award, and James Allen was selected for the May 2022 SPOT award after being nominated by Cyndy Barcelo.
Alejandro was presented with a certificate for his accomplishments and contributions and will receive $250. Matthew writes of Alejandro:
"Alex is a key part of the Optical Engineering and Fabrication Facility. No project passes through the shop without Alex playing some key role. He takes on whatever task is required and does excellent work under pressure. For example, the last night we were in S. Korea, Alex was responsible for preparing the electrical subsystem before a critical vacuum test. While doing this, Alex discovered that a vendor delivered a key component in a configuration that would not work. While nearly a dozen people (including the senior customer staff who would need to sign off on our delivery) watched Alex work, he methodically debugged the system, and identified the problem. Alex’s behavior doesn’t sound exciting, because in some ways, it is not. What is significant is that while under significant pressure to move on, Alex had to determine why the system didn’t work the way it was supposed to. This can be extraordinarily stressful. He did what needed to be done, and did it professionally when many others would have rushed. Because of this, he identified the problem in a timely manner, and we were able to quickly identify the plan to move forward."
James was nominated by Cyndy Barcelo and will receive $50 along with his certificate.
Cyndy writes of James:
"James is readily available for his faculty and fellow colleagues. He is always completing his tasks on time and communicating with PI's to ensure that he is providing them accurate and detailed financial reports. James willingly took over additional PI accounts to assist the business office while we are short staffed and has not let the additional work load keep him from completing his work."
A very big congratulations from all of us at OSC!
If you would like to nominate someone, please see the official Staff Recognition Program page on the OSC website, which includes an easy-to-use online nomination form.