NSF-ERC Center for Quantum Networks, Third Annual Report

Congratulations to the Center for Quantum Networks (CQN) on the completion of their 3rd annual report to the National Science Foundation. The CQN-ERC is dedicated to research that aims to “develop the entire technology stack to upgrade the internet to reliably carry quantum data globally, to serve diverse applications across many user groups, while meeting the dynamic application-driven demands of this new service of quantum communication. CQN aims to lay the foundations for a socially responsible quantum Internet and a diverse quantum engineering workforce that spurs new industries and a competitive marketplace of quantum service providers and application developers."
In their third annual report, CQN breaks down the many initiatives and methods by which they are working to achieve this while also inspiring the next generation of quantum scientists. A few highlights of the report summary include:
In Research
- Remote quantum state transfer led by Cambridge, MA-area groups Lukin, Englund, and Loncar to demonstrate the first bidirectional state transfer AND frequency conversion to telecom frequency in one experiment. https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.08619
- We developed a predictive model of entanglement and decoherence with color center qubits [UA/MIT]
- Funded by NASA, CQN's Tucson Testbed realized the first demonstration of super-additive communications. https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.05889v1
- Demonstrated a two-node quantum network composed of multi-qubit registers based on silicon-vacancy (SiV) centers in nanophotonic diamond cavities integrated with a telecommunication fiber network. https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.01316
- Entanglement distribution with the Zero-added-loss multiplexing (ZALM) source [MIT/UA] https://journals.aps.org/prapplied/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.19.054029
In Industry Research
- Q-network resource sharing among organizations via qVPN [Juniper/UMass]
- https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.03231
- Fault-tolerant syndrome measurement via high-rate classical code [Cisco/UChicago]
- Spread photon transceiver - quantum-secure direct communications [L3Harris/UA]
In Societal and broader impact research
In Education
- Quantum Tangram: Gamification of efficiently mapping q-circuits to MBQC [UA/UMass]
- CQN's MS-QISE had its first student cohort and received approval for a fully online degree program through Arizona Online, recruiting 7 students on campus and online for the Fall of 2023. Learn more about this program.
- Led and developed by EWD SparCQS Outreach Director, Ines Montano, NAU, we significantly expanded our EWD outreach initiative: Sparking Curiosity in Quantum Science (SparCQS) - which takes hands-on quantum science experiences to schools and communities with a reach of >21,000 people at 45 events involving diverse populations in Arizona and beyond.
To Learn more
- CQN produced a video highlighted at the APS March 2023 meeting reaching thousands of people at the event and continuing to impact via CQN and several external YouTube channels with over 1000 views and growing.