New Scholarship Support for OSC Graduate Students, Awards Start in Fall 2024, Apply Now

Dr. John M. Zavada, Jr. established the John M. Zavada, Jr. Graduate Student Fellowship in Optical Sciences and the John and Sophie Zavada Memorial Scholarship in Optical Sciences.

David and Brenda Perry (above) established the Perry Family Scholarship to honor David’s parents, Kenneth and Joanne Perry (below), and to express their gratitude for the many close friends, professors, and staff members they met at OSC.
Perry Family
Two new graduate student scholarships will be available to award for the Academic Year 2024/2025.
The John M. Zavada, Jr. Graduate Student Fellowship in Optical Sciences, established by Dr. John M. Zavada, Jr., supports promising future leaders in the fields of optics and photonics. He envisions the recipients to be individuals who will not only address daunting challenges but also will lead the way to remarkable solutions.
The Perry Family Endowed Scholarship in Optical Remote Sensing was established by David (PhD, OSC 1991) and Brenda Perry. The scholarship is open to full-time graduate students in good standing with a preference for students whose research interests are in remote sensing science and engineering. The Perry’s funded this scholarship in gratitude of the support and encouragement that David received from his parents, Kenneth and Joanne Perry, while he was pursuing his PhD at the College.
Applications for these scholarships and others held with the College are accepted through March 17, 2024 for the academic year 2024/2025. For further details on the application process, contact Mark Rodriguez, Manager of Academic Programs Finance & Operation.