Judy Su and Euan McLeod's Work Featured by "JSTO: In the News" Journal

Judy Su summarizes their research, featured on the cover of ACS Publications, "We report part-per-trillion trace selective gas detection using frequency locked whispering gallery mode microtoroids. Our research aims at detecting chemical threats early and afar to maintain our world's beauty, tranquility, and peace."
Assistant Professor Judy Su's and Associate Professor Euan McLeod's work has been highlighted by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency in their monthly newsletter, JSTO: In the News: "Light Work: Advancements in photonics research may lead to smaller and lighter chemical sensors." The article includes a number of images produced by Judy Su's lab and work as well as details discussing how "new developments in photonics-based technologies are being used to develop highly sensitive chemical sensors the size of computer chips." The article highlights Judy's work on Frequency-Locked Optical Whispering Evanescent Resonator (FLOWER). Read the article here.
Judy and Euan's work has been generously funded by DTRA under Tyler Miller's program over the last several years. Their paper on the subject, entitled, "Part-per-Trillion Trace Selective Gas Detection Using Frequency Locked Whispering-Gallery Mode Microtoroids" was recently published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.