Holy Optics, Batman!

It is widely known that the College of Optical Sciences faculty includes Nobel laureates, professional society presidents, heads of industry, successful entrepreneurs and countless award recipients. Lesser known are the alter egos of our esteemed professors, discovered in May 2006 by graduating B.S. students Timne Bilton and Evan Richards. They include members of OSC’s most popular rock band, “The D-Stars,” as well as:
Dashing Secret Service Agents

“Russell Bond”
Enigmatic Muses of Great Artists

“Mona Hong”
Hard-Nosed U.S. Marshals

"Eustace Wayne"
Fearless Superheroes

“Robin Swartzlander”
Swashbuckling Pirates

“Captain Jim Burge Sparrow” & “Will Thome”
Regal Rulers of the Galaxy

“Amidala Creath”
Sophisticated Skilled Assassins

“Jim & Didi Smith”
Sophisticated Skilled Assassins

“Mad Max Nofziger”
With the start of fall semester classes less than two weeks away, I would like to give some advice to those students who may be somewhat intimidated by a professor’s wealth of knowledge and experience — take a few moments to imagine them irreverently tricking their way through the Caribbean, fighting crime while wearing tights or walking into the sunset with their faithful Australian cattle dog, and relax!