Heejoo Choi Joins Optica Journal, "Continuum," as Associate Editor

Heejoo Choi, associate research professor of optical sciences, was recently appointed as an associate editor for Optica's journal, Continuum, a peer-reviewed, open access journal that focuses on research spanning the full breadth of optics and photonics. Continuum covers a wide range of content, including original research, reproducibility studies, negative results, and scholarly discussions. One of the journal's unique features is its transparent peer-review process, which allows authors and reviewers to agree on publishing peer review correspondence for selected articles. This option enhances transparency and is the first of its kind within the Optica publishing ecosystem.
Choi brings his extensive expertise in optical engineering and metrology to his role as an editor. He encourages researchers to submit their work, particularly in areas such as optical system design, optics fabrication, and testing, including studies with negative results, as they can contribute valuable insights to the scientific community. Submissions may be made to Continuum through the Optica system.