Donna Strickland Visits the Wyant College of Optical Sciences for Colloquium on High-Intensity Fiber Lasers

Nobel Laureate Donna Strickland gave an engaging colloquium to a crowd of about 200 attendees at the Wyant College of Optical Sciences on Dec. 5. Titled "High Intensity Fiber Lasers for Nonlinear Optics," her talk discussed the development of fiber laser amplifiers for nonlinear optical interactions, emphasizing their potential for high average power applications, such as mid-infrared generation and electron acceleration. Strickland, a professor at the University of Waterloo, was awarded the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics for her groundbreaking work on chirped pulse amplification, a technique that revolutionized high-intensity laser technology.
Ahead of the colloquium, Strickland met with students from the college, sharing insights into her research and career journey while answering their questions. This was a wonderful opportunity for students to connect an inspirational researcher in optics and photonics ahead of the colloquium.
A special thank you to Dr. Strickland for visiting with the college and presenting this exciting colloquium to finish off the Fall 2024 series!