Clarissa DeLeon Awarded Best Presentation at SACNAS Conference for "Mapping Sky Polarization Under Different Atmospheric Conditions"

Clarissa DeLeon, optical sciences PhD student advised by Associate Professor Meredith Kupinski, won a SACNAS (Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science) best presentation award in the session Mechanical and Other Engineering, for her oral presentation titled "Mapping Sky Polarization Under Different Atmospheric Conditions," at the 2024 National Diversity in STEM (NiDSTEM) Conference, held in Phoenix from October 31 to November 2.
The Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) organization aims to uplift historically marginalized scientists and engineers through targeted opportunities to find mentorship, present research, and hone their scientific skills. They hold the National Diversity in STEM Conference (NiDSTEM) annually as a space "which serves to equip, empower, and energize participants for their academic and professional paths in STEM".
Clarissa said of her experience: "I was honored to have received the travel scholarship to attend NiDSTEM this year, this is the first time I got to exist in a space that allowed me to bring my whole self to STEM. This opportunity allowed me to be radically proud to be a Latina in STEM and reaffirmed my aspirations to become a professor. I was especially honored to receive an award for best presentation in my session, Mechanical and Other Engineering, thank you to the University of Arizona SACNAS Chapter for taking me under their wing for this conference."
Congratulations to Clarissa!
Read more about the SACNAS NiDSTEM Conference and this year’s awards here.