Congratulations to OSC's 2020 Staff Recognition Award winners! Peer-to-Peer Award recipients will receive $250 and SPOT Recipients will receive $50. All recipients were mailed certificates for their accomplishments. Stay tuned for the announcement of the 2020 Employee of the Year and Honorable Mention!
February Mark Rodriguez
April Tammie Brown, Melissa Griffiths
June Linda Schadler, Matthew Grogan
1st Quarter Cindy Robertson
2nd Quarter Jennifer Garcia
3rd Quarter Matthew Grogan
4th Quarter Ashley Bidegain
Mark Rodriguez, Manager of Academic Programs Finance & Operation, was nominated for a SPOT award in February 2020 by John Koshel.
"Mark has gone beyond the pale again to assist when there was turnover in the Academic Programs Office - he greatly assists when someone leaves the AP office. In 2018 going into 2019 he helped when we needed a new undergrad advisor, and in late 2019 going into 2020 he has helped when we need a new grad advisor. Though Mark is under Brian now, we in the AP Office interact with each and everyone in the office. I cannot say enough great things about Mark stepping in to assist in the graduate student program needs, training the new graduate advisor, and assisting Brian as he was learning the ins and outs of his new position."
John Koshel, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Academic Affairs
Tammie C. Brown, Research Project Coordinator, was nominated for a SPOT award in April 2020 by Amit Ashok.
"Tammie is an exemplary professional. She routinely goes above and beyond her job requirements in terms of providing research support services for my research projects, e.g. contract/grant financial and personnel management logistics, oversight on FSO and SPS processes relating to research actives, co-ordinating sub-contract execution and compliance in collaboration with college and university units. Proactively identifying shortfalls in financial needs to keep my research group staffed at short, mid, and long time horizons. Working with college and university units on routing and submitting research proposal on or before deadlines. Following up with research contract close-outs. Managing quotes, ordering and record-keeping of capital equipment. She is one of the most consummate professionals that I have had the pleasure of working in my career."
Amit Ashok, Associate Professor
Melissa Griffiths, Administrative Associate of Development, was nominated for a SPOT award in April 2020 by Kaye Rowan.
"As the Administrative Associate for Development, Melissa Griffiths’ responsibilities includes providing support to donor-focused events. Yet, with the recent Life Celebration for Professor Emeritus Rolland Shack, Melissa demonstrated excellent leadership abilities (beyond a support role) when working with a planning committee that consisted of Mrs. Pam Shack, Dr. Jim Wyant and Prof. Bob Shannon. The event’s reception was also a brilliant demonstration of Melissa’s skills to create an inviting atmosphere with an exceptional menu while also being mindful of her given budget. Compliments were a plenty both at the event and in the days to follow, thanking the College for hosting wonderful tribute to Dr. Shack. Yet, among the most notable notes came from the Shack family, thanking Melissa for her exceptional care in planning a memorable event for all that attended, and especially his family."
Kaye Rowan, Senior Director of Development
Linda Schadler, Research and Financial Manager for the Peyghambarian Group, was nominated for a SPOT award in June 2020 by Robert A. Norwood.
"Linda has an amazing ability to juggle and prioritize multiple important tasks, including proposal assembly and submission, accounting, and scheduling, such that everything keeps moving forward in the best way possible. She does this while always maintaining a professional and courteous demeanor and will work nights and weekends to make sure that we make deadlines. This includes helping other staff members complete critical reports and submissions; she frequently proofreads reports and proposals to make sure high-quality standards are maintained. In summary, Linda has been critical for helping to guide us through the pandemic's challenges and I know she will continue to make us all better at what we do."
Robert Norwood, Professor
Matt Grogan, Building Manager, was nominated for a SPOT award in June 2020 by Justin Walker.
"Matt has been a strong source of on-campus support for faculty and staff during the pandemic. Even while dealing with challenging personal circumstances.. Somehow in the midst of the scramble to reopen campus, he has been successful in working with FM to get touch-less appliances installed in all of our bathroom THIS week. This was way ahead of schedule for the rest of campus and goes a long way to support our faculty who are continuing critical research projects which require on campus experimentation."
Justin Walker, Associate Dean for Business Development and Administration
Cindy Robertson, Distance Learning Program Coordinator, was nominated for a Peer-to-Peer award in the 1st Quarter by Mark Rodriguez.
"Cindy, single-handedly runs a majority of our distance learning program, in an exemplary manner. With dozens of online classes offered each year, Cindy ensures that the program runs smoothly and effectively. She maintains all technical equipment and provides innovative ideas for new equipment/processes that will enhance the distance learning program. She ensures that each and every class is recorded, including training Academic Program staff and student employees to assist with the recording of lectures. Cindy goes out of her way to maintain a flexible schedule and collaborate with professors on pre and post-recording when necessary. OSC is so very lucky to have an employee like Cindy. She is professional in her work, knowledgeable, and consistently produces high-quality work. I know that she has played a major role in the success of the College, and I look forward to continue working alongside Cindy." Read Mark's full letter.
Mark Rodriguez, Academic Program Finance and Operations
Jennifer Garcia, Senior Events Coordinator, was nominated for a Peer-to-Peer award in the 2nd Quarter by Ameé Hennig.
"Jen should be recognized for all the hard work and innovation she has put into reimagining OSC's commencement ceremony. This is a very unprecedented situation we are in, and having to convert a 100% in-person ceremony to 100% virtual is no small task. She has been working with multiple agencies on campus to make sure that we take full advantage of all the resources available to us. And she's been creative in the ideas and opportunities she's pursuing. The ceremony was amazing. And it couldn't be without her hard work and creative ideas!"
Ameé Hennig, Media Content Manager
Matt Grogan, Building Manager, was nominated for a Peer-to-Peer award in the 3rd Quarter by Dalziel Wilson.
"Matt is OSC's constant gardener. Besides tending to the usual panoply of building maintenance/safety issues, he has had the unenviable task of overseeing shipping/receiving during the COVID shutdown (during which the majority of facult administrative staff have been on leave). I routinely see him personally delivering packages to individual faculty and labs, including my own."
Dalziel Wilson, Assistant Professor
Ashley Bidegain, Information Technology Systems Manager, was nominated for a Peer-to-Peer award in the 4th Quarter by Ameé Hennig.
"Ashley's job has always had an extreme importance to the college because computers and our use of them, as well as our use of the OSC website is of utmost importance. Once the pandemic hit his position took on a whole new level of importance. Ashley has been called on time-and-time again to provide help when people are stuck in desperate situations that either prevent them from being able to do their job or prevent them from being able to do their job efficiently and he has always risen to the occasion, even at odd-hours of the day/night. For years he has taken care of our current website's back-end and is now having an impact on the creation of the new website. OSC wouldn't be the same without him and he should know that!"
Amee Hennig, Media Content Manager
A very big congratulations to all of you from OSC!
If you would like to nominate someone, please see the official Staff Recognition Program page on the OSC website, which includes an easy-to-use online nomination form.