The John P. Schaefer Graduate Student Scholarship in Optical Sciences was established by Robert M. Edmund, Edmund Optics, in appreciation for their shared commitment to inspire students to make optics their passion.
John Schaefer, President Emeritus of The University of Arizona (the “University”), had an active 21-year career in teaching and research at the University. In 1971, he became the 15th president of the University and served through 1982. At 36 years of age when he assumed the office, John was the second youngest University president.
As president, he was known for setting the University on the path of its current reputation as a world-leading research university. Among his accomplishments was his approval for the University to participate in the Multiple Mirror Telescope project, which revolutionized optical telescope design.
John was an influential board of directors’ member for the company, Edmund Optics, serving for 14 years. He was also president and CEO of Research Corporation Technologies Inc. (RCT) in Tucson, AZ. In this role, he helped fund the Large Binocular Telescope project on Mount Graham.

John Schaefer and Robert Edmund
Open to PhD or MS candidates in their first year of a graduate program in the James C. Wyant College of Optical Sciences. Candidates must be academically qualified to pursue their graduate degree as determined by the College’s Graduate Admissions Committee and maintain full-time student status as determined by the College’s academic programs office.
Benjamin Armentrout