Holographic Curved Waveguide Combiner for HUD/AR with 1-D Pupil Expansion

Date Published: February 22, 2022

Dr. Pierre-Alexandre Blanche and OSC alumnus, Craig Draper, present optical ray tracing as well as an experimental prototype of a curved waveguide combiner with pupil expansion for augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) glasses. The curved waveguide combiner takes advantage of holographic optical elements both for injection and extraction of the image to correct the aberrations introduced during the propagation of light inside the waveguide. The holographic curved combiner presented has a cylindrical outer radius of curvature of 171.45 mm with a field of view of 13° (H) × 16° (V) at a viewing distance of 1 cm with a 5 × horizontal 1 dimension pupil expansion for an eyebox of 6.2 mm × 42.7 mm. Download the published article.

Simulated image seen in radiance space through a waveguide at the expanded exit pupil without (a) and with (b) propagation correction

 Simulated image seen in radiance space through a waveguide at the expanded exit pupil without (a) and with (b) propagation correction.