The POW Optical Design Team is organizing an exciting learning opportunity! We will be hosting “Introduction to Ansys Zemax OpticStudio,” which will go through the basis of OpticStudio optical design and ray tracing software. Below you can find the information you will need to sign up and attend. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you there!
What? Introduction to OpticStudio
Where? Meinel Conference Room 821
When? Friday, September 22nd, 1:30-3:30 PM
How? Register HERE!
Don’t forget to bring a laptop with OpticStudio installed to the workshop! You will find download instructions here.
But I’m a distance student? Tune in on zoom in real-time (email POW for info)
Snacks? Yes :)
Are there other workshops? Check out the attached flyer!
How else can I get help? Come to our informal POWer Hour any Thursday (including this one) in Meinel 447 from 3:30-4:30 to meet us and ask any questions, or just bring your work and hang out! You can also request a 1-on-1 appointment (details below).
As always, if you have research or senior projects you need help with, we have certified tutors available to meet with you. Please make sure to give us a brief description of the issue you would like help with so we can match you with a tutor using this form.
More about POW
Here is what we have to offer:
- Workshops:
- Our workshops will be held on Fridays from 1:30-3:30PM in Meinel 821.
- You can consult the flyers around the building (also attached) for the dates.
- Our first workshop is THIS FRIDAY 9/22: Intro to OpticStudio!
- We provide snacks!
- NEW!! POWer Hour:
- POWer Hour is a weekly informal space to connect with students with tutors.
- You can come to Meinel 447 on any Thursday from 3:30-4:30 to meet with our tutors, with no appointment necessary.
- Feel free to come with questions or not!
- 1-on-1 help:
- If you’re looking for help one-on-one with a tutor, please scan the QR code on the attached flyer or click here.
- The new-and-improved google format is faster to fill out, and it sends your response right away to our active tutors for quicker response times.
- Older forms you may find are obsolete.
- Join our team:
- If you’re interested in becoming a tutor with us, please fill out this form.
- We are asking that each applicant have at least 2 years remaining in the OSC community.
- Any experience level is welcome, although more always helps.
- Our tutors are offered professional training through Ansys and Synopsys.
- Please note: if you have filled out this form before, feel free to either fill it out again or just shoot us an email saying that you’re still interested!