After a long career as a specialist on the New York Stock Exchange, William E. Boye Jr. established the Boye Foundation, Inc. to pursue his philanthropic interest and invited his family to join him in that endeavor.
Since his death in 2004, the foundation has been administered by his wife, brother, and four children. His son, Robert, Ph.D. in optical sciences, has continued to be actively involved with the College of Optical Sciences since his graduation in 2000.
The Boye family continues to follow Bill's example of providing service and support to their communities, both personal and professional. After many years of committed support to the educational mission at the College of Optical Sciences, the Boye Family is honored to provide this endowed scholarship to deserving students. They wish to also thank Dr. James C. Wyant for helping to make this award possible.
Photo: William E. Boye Jr. and son Robert, OSC Ph.D. 2000

The Boye Family Scholarship is open to students applying for their first year of graduate school in the College of Optical Sciences and is academically qualified to pursue their graduate degree with distinction as determined by the College of Optical Sciences Graduate Admissions Committee. The successful candidate is required to maintain full-time student status as determined by the academic programs office at the College. In addition to demonstrating academic excellence, applicants should display a commitment to scholarship which also includes involvement in extracurricular activities and other interests beyond science and technology.
Andrei Zhukov
Kevin Derby
Andrew Pizzimenti
Alexander Wendt
Benjamin Thompson
Ryker Eads
Kaitlyn Williams
Wenbo Gao