Arthur G. (Jerry) and Beatrice DeBell Memorial Graduate Student Scholarship in Optical Sciences

Arthur G. (Jerry) DeBell began his career in optics in 1944 as Physicist-in-Charge of the photo-optics branch of the United States Naval Ordnance Test Station in China Lake, California. A graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, his career encompassed work in both the public and private sectors, concluding as a Research Specialist and Program Manager at the Optical Sciences Center until his death in 1986.  
His pioneering work in balloon-borne, cryogenic instruments provided novel technical knowledge for nearly a generation of Optical Sciences graduate students who are grateful for his innovative research and skilled lab instruction.  
In memory of Jerry and his wife Bea, the DeBell family and friends established this scholarship to help others accomplish great things in the field of applied optics.  




Candidates for the DeBell Scholarship must be United States citizens and entering their first year as a graduate student in optical sciences. Selection is based on academic excellence rather than on financial need, and selection criteria include past performance, promise for the future and a demonstrated intention to pursue a career in applied optics.


FoTO Scholarship Recipients

Patrick Cornwall

Alisha Whitehead

Quinn Jarecki

Khalid Omer

Zuzana Calbo

Remington Ketchum

Brandon Hellman

Fellowship Recipients

2014-2015: Kali Wilson
2013-2014: Byron Cocilovo
2012-2013: Brittany Lynn
2011-2012: Edgar Madril
2010-2011: Laura Coyle and Brian Primeau
2009-2010: Charles LaCasse, Darren Miller and Lori Moore
2008-2009: Bruce Pixton
2007-2008: Michael Kudenov
2006-2007: John Sullivan
2005-2006: Eric Goodwin
2004-2005: Nathan Hagen
2003-2004: Gregory Williby
2002-2003: Derek Sabatke
2001-2002: Jesse Frantz and Ann Locke
2000-2001: Daniel Smith
1999-2000: Neal Beaudry
1998-1999: Robert Gappinger
1997-1998: Curtis Volin
1996-1997: Matthew Dubin
1995-1996: Bruce Jacobsen
1994-1995: Patrick Ryan
1993-1994: Joseph Shiefman
1992-1993: Andrew Lowman
1991-1992: Kenneth Moore
1990-1991: Gorden Videen